°•¤●Incomplete Halves●¤•°

954 45 9

[Chapter 33]


[ °●10th of January, 2026●°]



Rubbing my fingers across the sockets of my eyes wasn't doing me much help. The headaches are getting progressively worse. Sometimes they spike when I try to relax, forcing me to stay awake.


Why did this happen?...

I thought this suffocating wave will soon come to pass the moment she accepted me into the guild. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't want to endure this again.

I placed my elbows on the wooden table, holding my head up as the palm of my right hand pressed against my forehead. I've been sitting on this long wooden bench for hours now. The crackling fireplace was the only sound I could make out. That, along with my every heartbeat.

It was dark and empty in here. It doesn't seem like anybody would be coming in anytime soon.


I want to see you again.

I stroke down my left desperately, marking the hundredth time I attempted to see if she ever went online, though it somehow felt like the thousandth.

The list was empty, her name was nowhere to be found.

She vanished almost completely.

"No... please..."

I kept refreshing and tapped the button once. Nothing.

Twice. Nothing.






I slammed my palms on my face out of frustration.

"Please!... Please, just come back..." I covered my eyes.

I messed up.

I messed up, I messed up, I messed up, I messed up, I messed up...

I couldn't help but relive the last moments I've spent with her. It never seems to end no matter how hard I tried.

Not once in my life have I ever seen those eyes. Those weren't the gaze of someone who has lived all their life in bliss and love. To think she could make such a face looking at me fills me with dread. The very fibre of my being was engulfed under the shadow of her sorrow with every passing memory.

Yuuki, how much were you holding back? How much did you keep them in?

For how long?

What happened to you...? What happened to this young, sweet girl... who gave me high fives and likes warm hugs? Whose smile lit up the brightest star in the night sky?

No amount of practice nor strength can make someone's suffering so... invisible. At least not to that degree.

I don't want to see it, I don't want to remember it, I don't want to imagine someone like her crying so... despairingly...

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora