°•¤●Real Life●¤•°

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[Chapter 8]

"He left?!" Kirito blurted out, his eyes finally waking up after setting ears about last night's 'event'.

"Pathetically," I answered.

His sore expression assured me that he did nothing but grind 'XPS' with his beloved wife for the entire evening yesterday. Unless they-. You know what never mind.

"Watch your words. He will kill you if you keep on boasting like that." He warned me as he sips his freshly sizzling cola.

Yes, cola.

We're currently in Agil, or should I say Andrew's bar. Kirito is now Kazuto of the real world. As well as I, who no longer has a sword attached to my person.

"If you don't mind me asking, oh-so-gracious Jesus-kun. Why didn't you try beating Yuuki yourself? Too scared you might embarrass your entire race in front of your wife?"

Kazuto looks at me, confused and tilted his head in a way that grabbed my attention. He raised an eyebrow as I held the handle to my teacup between my two fingers firmly, sipping down the tea.

"What do you mean... Ooohhh~ yeah, you weren't there yet."


"Yeah, I lost."


The handle almost broke. I showed no reaction. Keeping my composure the best it can be.

I wiped my mouth in a mannered way. One last gulp from my cup... aaand~ Whew... I took a deep breath.

I asked again, "What was that???"

"I lost-"

"HOW?!" I slammed my palm face flat on the table, frustrated out of my MIND.

"The timer ended, my sword was nearly on her head. Her health was in the yellow, mine was red."


Oh for the love of me...

"So by default, she wins for having more health..."

"Pretty much, yeah."


Why is he so casual about it? Is he just that confident, or cocky to the point I could tear his face off?

But even with all things considered, this was... odd.

No, I won simply through the element of surprise. The match I had with her was unfair, and it wasn't nearly a fight of strength or endurance. Though, if Kirito couldn't beat her, if I were to fight her now with her knowing my moves and skills, then I'm sure she would've handed me a beat down.

Regardless, heh, I won. So this makes me... stronger than him? Nah, I find that hard to believe, it's a universal fluke... He was just having bad luck.

"So, what else happened yesterday after the mini-boss raid?" Kazuto murmured before drinking.

"Uhh, well. Yuuki and I talked a lot before Sumeragi came, she joined me stargazing."

"PIHHRTTGGSTGH-NGEH, you what?!" he spewed a shit ton of soda. Jesus that's a lot of coke.

"Huh? She sat down with me, so what?"

I answered in a disgusted tone seeing the wet mess Kazuto made on Andrew's counter. Boy, hope he doesn't get pissed.

"Kazuto what the HELL ARE YOU DOING!?"

Oh, FriCK, AGIL.

"HEY ANDREW, K-KAZUTO ACCIDENTALLY UMM..." I couldn't think and went haywire. I don't know about you but seeing a bulky American Hero coming out of nowhere to see his counter wet with spewed cola is NOT EXACTLY WHAT ONE WOULD CALL A HIT AND RUN SITUATION.

The coffee skinned man stepped from his kitchen into the serving room, seeing Kazuto has sprayed everywhere while he wiped his face. I can tell Kazuto felt like dying at that moment, damn dude.

I took my handkerchief out and started to clear the counter in an attempt to please the muscular American foreigner.

Or rather, I was begging for my life.

Andrew let out an honest sigh.

"Nah, it's fine. Thanks for wiping the table, Akashi."

Kazuto patted my shoulder and nodded, whilst covering his face from agony. He's saying his thanks too, in a way at least.

Oh, right. Akashi Toriyu (赤士東竜), my real name. Not too bad and not too fancy. The wording was chosen by my mother and the written kanji is by my father. Heh, at least it's way better than Narusaka Kazu- I mean, Kirigaya Kazuto.

The black-jacketed boy sitting next to me explained:

"Aaah- AKH OUGH-"

Y-yeah get that coughing finished before talking, don't rush man. Come on.

"Akashi," he says, "this is your chance."

I looked at him in confusion, a sweat drooped from my hair.

"Chance of what, exactly?"

The owner of the bar followed up the conversation and suddenly spoke as if he was eavesdropping on our little chatter.

"Chance of redemption, " he smiles towards me.

Oh. Redemption.

"What are you playing at, Andrew, Kazuto?"

"Tell me, what do you think of her?" He says finally looking at me in the eyes as he spoke.

Ah, so this is where the conversation is heading. I'm not going to fall for this, I don't want any part of it.

I can feel my grip on my teacup getting sturdier...

This ticks me off. Talking about this is very uncomfortable, why are they pushing me this much? It's absurd.

"Be it relevant or irrelevant, I don't want to talk about it,"

"Akashi, come on~ why are you so-"

With that, a voice forced its will on me.


"I said, I don't want to."

I grabbed my porch bag from below my seat, took my dark brown coat hanging on the wall and proceeded to head outside in a hurry.

"Wa-wait, hey! Akashi!"

I didn't want to look back, my hand already twisted the knob and pulled the door inwards. Stepping outside and left.

In that situation, it was the right thing to......


So why does it feel like I disappointed myself?

[The End of Chapter 8]


Author's Notes

It was tough to find bar music. I ended up with jazz... Do you like "JAZZ"?


Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now