°•¤●A Favour●¤•°

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[Chapter 4]

"I'm baaaaaack!" Yuuki cheers as the door closed behind us, what's she up to?

After the duel, she grabbed my hand and blasted off, leaving me waving around in the air for a few seconds. Relentlessly being dragged to death until I managed to summon my wings again.

She said she 'really' wanted me to follow her. Coming from a guy, when a girl says something like that, it sure does make ya skip a beat... either that or I'm being scammed and should worry about my private life.

I hear voices from the seats in the inn,

"Yuukiii! How was tod-"

"Huh? Whos?-"

Two people in orange and black stood up in shock seeing me, the redheaded guy wiped his eyes as if it clears his vision. How comical, but rude. Yeah, I'm real.

The table consists of five people including the seemingly surprised ones, they were many races among them which I was too careless to address yet, but they seem to be well geared. This must be that thing Kirito hated so much, whaaat was it... oh, right, a party.

Yuuki continued to grab hold of my hand and pulled me to their seat, I was still confused as to what exactly their intentions are, but I was too curious to drop out so early on. Like it or not, they've got my attention so I have to see this through.

I took a seat and Yuuki sat on the chair beside mine, followed by a deep breath to maintain her excitement.

There's something so off about her... but it's quite bright. I don't seem to mind her being this hyperactive at all.

One of the women among the seaters, another Spriggan in black, asked:

"So who's this lovely gentleman you've brought here today, Yuuki? Is it a special someone-"

"SO THESE ARE MY FRIENDS!" Yuuki cuts her off in a hurry as she slams her palm on the table. That's odd, I couldn't hear what the spriggan's question was.

"This brat here is Nori."

Yuuki addressed, it appears she wears a ponytail. Her tanned appearance made her stand out more... looks like she could be the annoying one here I presume.

"This is Jun,"

The only redhead in the party, decently armoured as a berserk two-handed swordsman. And he seems to be...

"Are you a Salamander?" I asked him.

"y-y-AHEM, Yes I am. What about it?" He answers with a fake, manly, mature voice. Ahah... I've seen this many times before. A tough guy persona born from the intention to protect others from strangers, a method youngsters would commit to. Though, I do wonder why on earth would he be asserting dominance just moments after meeting me?

I raised my palm towards him for a high five,

"AYE, Salamander Buds! Redheads for life, am I right?" I cheered with a smile.

He beamed an unexpected simper and fulfilled my high five, laughing with everyone else on the table.

I'm proud of being a Salamander, and it's nice to show enthusiasm around new people this way. I wouldn't want him to be so tense around me. Which should be able to ease his nerves.

Yuuki continued:

"This is Siune,"

A silky-haired woman, about Asuna's age, no, maybe older. Light-armoured healing mage by the looks of her staff, though I don't think she's wearing armour at all... I nodded.

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now