°•¤●Gentle Relations●¤•°

550 19 36


You should be afraid of how long this is.


[Chapter 55]


"I deeply regret missing the opportunity to cross blades with you, Absolute Sword." The prestigious dark-skinned man of ambition, whose body was built like a truck, voiced his dismay honestly.

"Right, but what can I do? The free Duels I hosted had come to an end so long ago. I'm afraid you missed your chance, General. Hehehe!" I shrugged my shoulders, letting him face the bitter truth with a grin on my face.

"I suppose your newest guild member was fast on his feet to defeat you. If I had participated sooner, perhaps you and I would've met on better terms." He kindly gestured his sincerity, holding a fist to his chest.

"Hahahaha, yeah, perhaps we would." I shared a laugh, entertaining his optimism.

After "casually" crawling out from under the table in the sweets section not long ago, I went around to find engaging conversations with the other guests at the party.

It's a rare opportunity to meet new people this way, so I wouldn't want to waste this time clinging to just one person for the whole day now, would I?

Well, eheheh... Though, this situation I'm currently in wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

It so happens that the first person who approached me for a chat was someone I never would've imagined meeting here, of all places. And that would be General Eugene himself.

I figured things would tense up quickly, but that wasn't the case. Despite our history of vendettas, the man is surprisingly chill once he talks.

We stood beside the house owner's cabin while many others were merrily pouring more drinks and singing songs. The atmosphere is starting to get much more lively than before.

"If there is anything I could do to convince you to battle, do tell. I'm desperate to find an excuse to see how I fair against you on my own."

"Well~, we do have plenty of excuses to fight, now that you mention it. What with sabotaging my guild and causing trouble for Akashi and all." I gave a snarky remark, proposing that we could just go at it any time convenient enough.

"Akashi?" He asked, sounding unfamiliar with the name.

"Hm? Pardon?"

"You mentioned someone that goes by Akashi?"

"O-Oh, I-I meant Akato! Sorry, I've gotten so used to that name that it... Uh... became second nature."

Haven't I been calling him that for a while now? Hasn't EVERYONE been calling him that the past few days?

"Is that his..." He formed an incomplete assumption.

"I-I probably shouldn't say." I waved my hands, trying to stop him short from guessing. "I wouldn't want to give out his real name, after all."

"Ah. So it is."

"Eh?" My mind went blank, eyes widened.

"So you've grown close to him enough to know his real name, huh...?" He sighed.

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now