°•¤●Youth's Memories●¤•°

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[Chapter 44]


The halls were lively, and steps and chattering filled every inch of the school building as the students went about their lives. Some joyously laughed as a group, some staring through the windows to see the sports clubs going about their usual practice, while others ran across the halls carrying heaps of papers to their classes.

Passing by them, I found that Asuna was humming quite lovably this whole time, eyes showing gratitude upon finding solace as if flowers were circling her head. It's a miracle that she's in top shape after such a confession. Well, I don't mean to brag, but it's all thanks to my consultation.

Heheh, I still got it!

It's tough being a genius in motivational speeches! Coming up with the right words can be daunting to others, but not for me!

I'm so good with words that it's probably fitting to call me a prodigy. One, unlike this school, has ever seen!

Hue hue~ Akashi would be very impressed once I tell him.

"Oh Yuuki, that's so cool! You're like a therapist now. I'll treat you with some food to congratulate you, what would you like? Golden chicken wings? Sure, I'll find some right away! I wonder if there's an Inn that serves western dishes in Alfheim..." My totally-not-fake-and-precisely-accurate-interpretation of him in my mind offered his reward, making me carve a hungry smile.

HAHAAA~! Chicken wings! I haven't had those in a long time. Gosh, now I'm craving some! That's one more thing added to my bucket list. I'll be sure to pester him about it soon enough!

"So, are you excited?" My host asked a vague question as she looked over at me.

"Hm? For what?"


A short pause followed.

"Ahah... Yuuki, you do know where we're heading, right?" She voiced her concern.

Now that she mentioned it, I'm not entirely sure why we haven't gone home yet since the school session is done for today.

"Would it be embarrassing if I said I forgot?" I gave an irresponsible answer.

"Oh, geez. Well, I guess I'll keep it a secret until you figure it out yourself!"

"H-Huh? Heyyy Asunaaa! I don't like thinkiiing~!"

"Nope, you'll have to either guess it right or wait for the surprise."

"Awww~ fiiine."

I began scanning the place, going through every bitty corner... The halls we're in were quite disconnected from the main section of the school as if it was newly built compared to the rest... There are more students around here too. Is this the main building for the classrooms?

Hmm. Maybe this is another year's section?

Ahhh, I ran out of energy to come up with anything anymore! I used too many brain cells in class today. I need a breeeak~!

"Yeah, I give up. What are we doing here?"

"Hold on to that thought. We're almost there."


The sound of banging tables echoed in the background...





Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now