[==Author's Special==]

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[When the time comes for the false crimson moon to shatter, the descent of heaven's defier shall halt no longer.]

And so comes the day I find myself returning to the writing scene! Cheer and rejoice, my beloved readers! Your source of unparalleled dopamine has plunged back to earth to bring forth entertaining stories of love and despair for you once again!

Mage Professor Simon Patrikof, at your service!

For my avid readers who have been waiting for new releases since September, pardon my disappearance! I would love to go on and on about the things I did during my 3-month break but I'm sure all that can wait for now. What's important is I'm now here to serve! Oh, and of course:


Before chapter 57 releases, I decided to go ahead and get this out of the way first, as this is a truly important occasion. The purpose of today's "New Year Special" is to share with everyone something I've been meaning to do for over a few years now, which is to engage with my readers and shed some light on matters regarding Crimson Rosario! All the intricacies of the story so far, my thoughts and aspirations, and my hopes for the future are tidied up into this nice compact chapter for many to enjoy.

Now some might argue that this would be something relatively uninteresting compared to the main contents of the book. Still, I've figured out how to make it entertaining for you all to read while also giving ample insight into how things work behind the scenes. Having that said, if this type of stuff doesn't suit your fancy and you'd prefer to move on to the next chapter, go ahead! This "Special" will still be right here if you ever feel curious enough to check it out later! (Unless I still haven't released it. In which case, I apologize).

There will be 3 sections to this special, the first being an explanation of how I usually write each chapter, followed by some in-depth look into the decisions made in creating the plot for each sub-arc, juicy details regarding the design of my original character, and lastly, a nice Q&A where I answer interesting questions asked by some of my most dedicated readers!

Now that we're all here, it's time for me to share the gruelling process of creating Crimson Rosario from the ground up!

[==How It's Written==]

Let's start with something more practical in my creative writing process.

Over the years, I found out that I have a very bad sense of grammar right off the bat. Yes, that is the truth. The chapters you see now result from countless rewrites, fixing and reorganizing. It is a mere painting, hiding the rough sketches and horrendous mistakes beneath its colours. Some of my biggest mistakes stem from my lack of vocabulary, as I often use words that I have no idea the meaning of in a sentence that isn't appropriate to it at all.

This is why I use writing assistants like Grammarly, which makes the quality of the writing I produce a much higher standard. However, the cost of using this assistant is a price not many people are willing to take. No, I'm not talking about its expensive premium plans. I've always been one to use the free version. What I mean is how it influences your writing.

Sometimes, I write specific sentences in a way that fits my narrative, but Grammarly will still mark it as a flaw that can be improved. This creates a dilemma in my head that hinders my creative process as I am now confined within the narrative an AI was providing me. Breaking out of it would seem more like a mistake than anything else, given that it's meant to help me. I find myself wanting to obey the AI's orders since I assumed that it's always right. This back-and-forth exhausts quite a lot of my confidence.

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now