°•¤●Vivid Dreams●¤•°

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Everyone, thank you.

[Chapter 42 {I}]


"Ahahaha! It's just the courtyard, you know, I would love to show you around more, but lunch is about to end already. Sorry, Yuuki. If I didn't distract the boys with my sudden laughing, we could've at least visited Akashi's class."

"Huh? N-No, no, no, it's fine! Come on~ that wasn't your fault. I can wait. Plus, your laugh is adoring, Asuna. It's beautiful!"

"Y-You think so?"

"Yup! You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever met, period. And if it makes you feel any better, I don't think I'll be able to stay calm during lessons if I talked to Akashi this early anyway. Hahaha~!"

"Aww, you're so sweet~!" She spoiled me.

"Well, what are we waiting for? I can't wait to see your class."

"Okaaay! Let's visit the teacher and introduce you first!" She cheered with her fist to the sky.






"...Haaaaah..." I sighed.

"Something's up?"

"Nah... just, my memories of these 'staff rooms' were less than pleasing in the past. I never liked going in to talk to a teacher."

"Aww, don't worry. The teachers here are unbelievably nice. Most of them are soft-spoken and friendly with just about anyone. Not to mention, all of them are veteran gamers!"


"Most of them used to play those childhood Playstations and Portable Consoles back when they were our age. They're given massive respect from students of all ages because of their experience. The stories of their youth are very wholesome. Some even found them relatable!"

"Aaah~! That's so cool!"

"Hehe, right? Let's go in, shall we?" She slid the door open.

"Good afternoon~!" She greeted the teachers inside.

Being a little flustered, I quickly gave my greetings too, "G-good afternoon!"



Two of the teachers rolled up their sleeves, took out their chairs, wore their glasses, and popped a cola before cracking their knuckles with adrenaline seeming to run in their veins.

In sync, they took a deep breath.



Grabbing their controllers firm, the teachers selected their characters and started the game at speedrunning precision. Ripping their engines and setting up their loadout through nothing but sheer muscle memory.


"Ah, looks like Sir Ishigami is challenging Sir Shirogane on a Kart race. Don't mind them. They need their focus."

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now