[==Notice of Hiatus==]

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I'm confident at least one of you wishes to see me crucified after reading the title above, but alas, yes. That is the seamless truth. I am indeed going on hiatus for a maximum of 2.5 years.

I got into a university out of state to pursue English for Professional Communication hoping to finish my diploma. I couldn't have made it here if it weren't for all that time mastering my craft through Crimson Rosario with all of you by my side. I am eternally grateful for all the positive comments you graced me with all these years, the ones that drove me forward in the endless crusade of combatting the flaws of modern storytelling.

I believe my decision to take this hiatus would take me a step closer towards ameliorating what was done by men who sought only fame and glory, giving no care towards progressing the quality of their writing for the sake of their readers. I promise you, all of you, I will be the catalyst of change that will end this tradition.

That said, I suppose I should update you on what I've been up to.

I am currently in my third week here, and so far, I'm loving everything about the experience. Everyone is so nice and the services here are certainly convenient. I am met with those who I would consider to be my equal and their talents know no bounds. I truly believe my origin begins within these walls, the birthplace of legend.

Oh, right. In case it wasn't obvious, I'm writing this to remind everyone that Yuuki Konno dies on this exact date, March 29th, 2026. MEANING, I might just come back to finish what I started on this exact date as well in the future.

Is it messed up? Yes. What else would you expect of me?

But I suppose that's a testament to my love for her character, and it acts as a means of truly saying goodbye.

I probably should say more here, as you all deserve to hear more from me after waiting for so long. Unfortunately, even now, I am incredibly busy with assignments and work. Though that doesn't mean I love all of you any less.

I will see to it that I return to fulfill your hopes and dreams.

And... I'm also really sorry for making this ultimate decision to halt the story temporarily.

Still, I hope you look forward for what's to come.

Once last time, I love you all!

May we prevail!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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