°•¤●The Essence of Light : Coursing●¤•°

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[Chapter 24]

"Armen. I'm ready."

The mild breeze pushing through the atmosphere swept the tallgrass of this blossoming field. The vibrant ambience was heard all around, swaying calmly like waves flowing across the sea.

The dawning light of day shone upon my low-level blade, reflecting into my eyes as I held it firmly to the right of my head. Its tip points towards the sole target.

My breath was heavy, pure exhaustion ran through me. For the first time, I have felt mentally fatigued in this forsaken world.

My opponent, undaunted, immovable. Down to his last pixel, tranquillity is all that is expressed. Everything about his face whispers a constant state of patience.

His hair is reminiscent of the clouds, the snow and the sun. White, like a winter's freeze and a summer's heat.

His arms never moved out of order, never even so much so as twitched...

"It's okay, you don't have to fight anymore." his soothing words reached me, slightly giving me an annoying afterthought.

The dark blue-ish eyes he dawned began to soften as he tilted his head observantly that day.


It echoes in my head every night, his voice that seemed so fragile. His existence flashes before my eyes every instance where my emotions overwhelm my soul. It could very well have made me insane. Sometimes, I completely forgot who he was. Other times I knew him as a distant memory.

The stress... has affected me in some way. Odd, I can't seem to recall him at all now.

But I can remember clearly the moments when I do recall his name.

When I begin to scream for dear life as my head cracks open with every trauma.

The memories come flowing back to haunt me as I bore the pain.

Armen... I'm sorry.



"Behind you!"

The whirring axe behind me was anything but a surprise. My blade reached my back long before my eyes, crossing paths with the weapon's strike. With all my might, I hardened my grip and parried the blow.

Thank's for the heads up, Tecchi.

Reeled over by the weight of my defence, he backed away; "GH! WHY YOU!"

His face clearly showed a struggling child's desperation as he attempts to land more hits, only to be in vain as all the others that came before.

A scene that's reminiscent of a fleeting rat trying to bite its predator.

What is this? Another stream of adrenaline rose in me, the sense of grace gripped my chest and kept my heart beating faster! It was a sudden surge, but the reasoning behind it was clear to me.

His presence!

He has done everything he could for this guild!

Akato is risking it all for us, and I'm inclined to make it worth his effort.

This is where the blaze ignites anew, with him by our side!

"Hey~! I almost forgot about you. Now, where were we?" I grinned at the enemy, faces of foes I'm sure I won't remember.

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now