°•¤●The Essence of Light : Preparing●¤•°

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[Chapter 27]

I held her hand as we stood up together. We exchanged dramatic looks, prepared for what was ahead of us. She wiped her tears as I did with mine.

I looked back to the ones behind us, they nodded back. As Yuuki and I lead the way, I gave them a heads up about the situation.

"Alright, I'm sure you all have fought him once before, isn't that right?"

"Yeah, we lost to its final line of defence. It started going ham on us and was fixated on protecting itself here and there. It's nothing short of random and chaotic. We even thought it was just a bug for how insane it was." Tecchi warned me.

"Great, guess I don't have to explain his patterns then!"

"Huh?" Yuuki suddenly looked at me, puzzled by those words.

"Siune, I got six mana potions on me from people's drops outside. Use them."

"Got it, thank you!"

Swiping the menu, I quickly dragged the potion icon to my back. Giving her access to more fuel to heal us.

It's time to do something I'm best at doing all my life,


I remember this boss like the back of my hand.

So there will be four things to worry about, two of them are the hammers, the other two being the swirling chains. I remember the boss having two sides, they're twins who share the same body. That explains the name, four-armed. This boss was weaker and had lesser health compared to other floor bosses before it, but that was easily compensated with its lethal attacks and unpredictable patterns. Its defence is impenetrable as well...

No, this would never be exactly the same as the one from SAO. New Aincrad has either new bosses for the floors or buffed and harder ones than their predecessors. They had to recycle the data from the seed to make new Aincrad after all, so it's not uncommon. With that being said, new bosses are rare, there are only five new bosses throughout the entirety of all 27 Floors so far.

Though, hearing Tecchi's explanation, I'm sure we're handling the buffer version of it. Good, I have something to work with.


Four weapons, two chains and two hammers. All of which can attack us from the right AND left. We need to make countermeasures for those weapons, Tecchi will take the front lead. Our  'Covers' will be Talken, Jun, and Nori. Main DPS, Yuuki and I. Most importantly support, Siune.

Covers have three people, and we have four places we can get hit from, this is bad...


The Crytal Demon.

Akashi, you dumb hunk of ass! Your strategy for yesterday's mini-boss raid was already suited for this! It's so clear now!

With that in mind, it's not exactly perfect yet. We need to switch squad roles. Yuuki and I can't parry nor block those hammers, but the chains are plausible to reel and stop them entirely. Tecchi will have to take most of the damage from the hammers. Talken and Nori will go for its arms, Talken the left and Nori the right, while Jun goes for both the legs and do as much damage as he can...

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