°•¤●Blue Knight●¤•°

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[Chapter 7]

The sky on this floor is pretty special huh?

I can't help but stare at it now and then while we make our way across the hilltops of Floor 19.

The mines are all too visible from up here, if you took the time, one can even manage to take a peek at the village crater.

Having the demon subjugated, they most likely won't have to worry about that demon anymore. The mines in the area should be up and running anytime soon.

The guild continued to move forward, but I'm still having mixed thoughts on leaving just yet. There isn't a single cloud in the sky that's bothering the view, it would be disappointing not to enjoy it.

I didn't realize I stopped walking until Talken abruptly shouted my name in the distance. I couldn't help getting lost in the sight, too immersed.

"Yo, Akato! You okay?"

"Uh, yeah yeah, you guys go on ahead, I'll meet you back at the inn, I'm gonna stay here a bit longer!"

"Gotcha, see you later!"

The group pressed on without me, turning away.

My my, not even the slightest hesitation? Welp, being an introvert, this is a complete blessing.

I finally got my chance to rest peacefully.

Heading back to the spot I noticed, I made my way to a nearby cliff. Where the trees wouldn't obscure the view and it's just me and the flow of the night.

Finally reaching the summit, my person sat on the dirt floor and took a deep, calming breath.

Winds flowed a stream of freedom in the mountains... what a breeze, it's amazing. Without my hood, it can be a bit chilling, but the fight earlier really heated me, so I don't see a reason to be bothered.

Seiki popped his head again from my steel under-armour, enjoying the flow of the evening current as he lets out a strong sigh following mine.

I continued to enjoy the boundless night sky, lying down facing up from the edge of the cliff. My hand rests my head, taking weight off my shoulders.

This is something I will never get to see in the real world... The stars on this floor might be fake, but they still mean something.

They have life.

"Lieutenant?" Scorchy asks in a soft tone as he sat on my forehead, gazing at the sky.

"Don't you feel lonely fighting all by yourself?"

Mm? An odd question coming from an assistant...

"What? But I do sometimes battle alongside others, heck I just did so half an hour ago."

"No, I mean..."

... A sense of pondering twitched my cait sith's ears. As if he's trying to find answers to his questions through me.

"You always push yourself first in secret, more so behind others."


"I know I'm here more as an underling than a friend. But ever since I've been with you as a Pixie, you always seemed so desperate to get stronger in your early days of Alfheim. I thought it was a common thing for others to do, then I figured how that wasn't the case... Your way was somewhat more different."

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now