°•¤●Impatient Yuuki●¤•°

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[Chapter 9]

"It's 9:45... in the morning... the Floor Boss raid will be on... 9:45 in the evening... Hrmmph~ I can't wait for another 12 hours..." I say with my palm holding up my cheeks as I pout, and my eyes softly close in disappointment.

My elbow digging deep into the table grew stiffer along with my growing frustration as we sat on the iron decorated inn seats.

"My, my. You've grown impatient lately, Yuuki." Siune says to me with a longing smile. Her study notes hovered around her as she skims through them like a college student.

Why and how is she so calm for tonight? Really? It's going to be the fight of our lives and we should be levelling up by now. Instead, here we are, sitting and doing nothing good with our time.

As a leader, I need to be most excited about things like this. But come, oooon girl! Show some thrill!

"I've always been pumped for a raid you know, I see nothing wrong with me being even a little bit impatient!" I say in a stylish tone. A quote from yours truly.

"Hehe, you never wake up so energized in the morning before. Be it for a group meeting, or a grinding session, you would log in with your eyes closed and your mind half asleep! My my, I wonder what Akato would say about that~"

"C-come on! I-I'm not that clumsy, well, maybe that one time the other day b-but still! You're just being mean. Plus, why would Akato even WANT to know about that?"

The Restoration Mage continued to look down at her notes while giggling at me. For someone 3 years older than I am, she's way more mature than I'll ever be.

Notes... lord save me from them. I would honestly faint looking at all those info.

"Don't you want to know what he thinks about you?"

I turned the other way showing a... half-embarrassed expression, ngh- but still pouting though.

"Wh-who cares what he thinks about me. I'm just a little girl, he won't think much of me in the first place."

"I find that unlikely, you two were very marvellous yesterday with that mini-boss. You were beaming the same energy together, it's quite spectacular."


Now that I look back at it, aah~ it was a nice change of pace to win a boss fight. I felt so free... Can't believe it's been so long to the point I forgot what it felt like fighting alongside someone, even though I've always had a party behind me.




So long...

It has been too long... huh, sis?

I remember feeling so hot and red after that raid... like I gave it my all after holding back for centuries. I guess I should thank him, for getting me back into shape.

It's all because of Akato... all because of AkaaaaaAAAHH, what am I thinking?! He's just another swordsman that joined our party, it's JUST... FUN fighting on his side is all. Right. It's just a lot of fun.

"I have to hand it to him though, " Siune continued.


"You can see how much he has experienced fighting in battles, changing suitable armour-sets, adapting to heavier weapons, switching sword styles. It's like he lived in VR. I've never seen a more balanced and dynamic player that's constantly keeping a step or two forward as he does."

I feel a sign of inspiration in me, or is admiration the better word for it?

"He is strong huh? Gooosh~ where has he been all this time? He said he got famous just recently, even though he's one of the Salamander ranks, it's so weird!" I blurted out sharing my confusion. He's so powerful yet he keeps low tabs for god knows how long.

"With what I can come up with, I have a theory... But I don't think Akato fits the bill," Siune says, finally laying down her notes that were flying over her person, then holding her chin.

"What is it?" I asked tilting my head.

"It's like he's..... I don't know, like... a bit too cautious."


"As if he's only fighting not through addiction or status... The way he fights is straightforward but carefully planned, like I said, 'constantly'. Constantly overthinking, planning and analyzing. You'd only see these things in very rare cases, but even those who do, don't seem to take it as seriously as he does. It's like he's paranoid abo-"


A notification appeared in my sight which completely diverted my attention. Not that I could keep up long enough anyway.

The icon is the mark of a Red Salamander Symbol. It might be Jun.

Uhh~ nope I thought wrong; "Oh, it's Akato, he just logged in." I should've known.

"Where is he?"

"I dunno... Ummm, in a neutral village, from Alfheim, guess he has some business down there other than Aincrad."

I realized my eyes were mellow, somewhat thinking that he was spawning nearby so we could talk about the raid tonight.

Siune looked at me, reading my expression as she has with her notes. She made a loud sigh and leaned back into her iron chair, waving at me.

"You can go, grind with him for loot, make some money for tonight. I'll inform the others to do the same."


My eyes lighted up, and my gracious smile returned to my face. Finally, some fighting! I stood up from my chair and grabbed my Obsidian Sword from the side.

Right as I was reaching for the doorknob-

"OH HEY YUUKI WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" Jun slammed the door open from the other side, making a completely fake smile as he stares at me before I reached the exit.

"Hyah! Hey-"

[End of Chapter 9]


Author's Notes

I slept while I was working because of this background music. I won't even be surprised if yall reading this end up sleeping too.


Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now