°•¤●Furthest Reaches●¤•°

879 41 11

[Chapter 34]


[ °●11th of January, 2026●°]


"Are you... doing good there, Akashi..?"


"Earth to ISS, you alright there space cadet?~"



Hm? Did something pull my hood off-



She screamed into my ear after jerking the cloth on my head, startling me to death until I fell on my back.

"Gngh!" My noggin landed straight on the carpeted floor, smacking me back into the real world after a long hour of daydreaming.

"For the love of GOD, RIKA!" I got up my ass and scolded my basically adopted mother. Her hair is browner than the bears of the forests, tied with two hair clips I got for her last birthday. The pink sweater she wears made her into an icon at school, being nicknamed the Pinksmith (of Hell, might I add.)

Those were the last signs of feminity she has, otherwise, she'll look like the most terrifying female hooligan to have walked Japan.

Pinksmith of Hell fits her very being. It sounds worse when you recall how there was a serial killer back in Aincrad named Prince of hell, PoH. Some people find it offensive, but I find it absolutely hilarious.

 Though, if I were to call her that name now, I'm sure I really would get murdered.

"DON'T YOU RIKA ME, MR. TO-RI-YU! I've been calling your name for the past THREE MINUTES!"

"I'wve-bween-cawllin-ywour-nwame-fwor-thwe-pwast-thwee-mwinutes-" I mouthed and mocked her words, "That doesn't give you the right to scream in my ear you discount cotton-candy machine!"

"Discount- Oh, you're in for it now!" She rolled her revision notes that were laid on the desk and tied them together with her hairband.

"HAAAIYYYA!" The hardened blunt cracked a hit on my forehead.

I didn't bother to dodge or get up from the floor since I knew her strength IRL was much lower here than in ALO. That, and I have no energy or enthusiasm to go against her at all.

The hit was barely painful, but I guess I didn't even make a single hurtful reaction, given that she was staring at me surprised.

"... You've never done that before..."

"Did what, Rika..?" I said, tilting my head annoyed and sighing.

"... Hey, seriously, are you okay?" She asked me again, seeming even more concerned.

"I'm fine now that you hammered me with that," I pointed to the murder weapon, "Why?"

"I know I can't hit you hard enough to constitute a bruise, but you've always dodged them at least. You... never just sit there and take a blow to the head before."

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now