°•¤●Contrast Colours●¤•°

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[Chapter 6]

"A cave?"

"A dungeon?"

"A hollow ground."

I say, clearing the confusion for my comrades.

The massive hole looked like an entrance to a dark palace but without the doors and god-awful details. It doesn't lead anywhere, just an empty husk the demon now use as a shade. Can't see a single thing inside it though, completely pitch black from the outside here.

This was once a Hydra lair, a race of beasts to have been described as nocturnal animals that roamed all across the 15th to 20th floor. Now it's just a nice free real estate for this bad boy.

"I suggest you all stay way back for this one. Yuuki, make a clearing for Tecchi on my mark, we'll do this together."

The ominous and lingering darkness before me is extremely intimidating, if I was here with the level I was in SAO, I would've shat myself right here and now.

I feel a slight breeze between my ears coming from inside the massive hole, carved against this giant stone wall. It's surely here.

I walked in with confidence, step-by-step I approached the gleaming shadow.

I took a breath, followed by the predestined enchantment:

"Scorchy, Change Armament Set, I.D: Dragonking Tyrath."

Better be well prepared, Seiki glows inside my pocket a warm yellow light.

I can't beat this thing with a steel-based armour set.

The metal chest plate I wore disintegrated back into my inventory and was replaced with a hardened dragon bone variant. My arms were now geared with bone plating and my cloak turned into red steel under-armour, the only drawback to this change being my lack of a hood.

The disappearance of shaded cloth on my head revealed the dark ruby hair mixed with veins of silver, a combination of colours different from all my fellow crimson race.

The ability to switch between sets of armour is a pixie's most valuable trait. Without Seiki, it would've taken me a lot of time to equip these manually.

I can hear the gasps behind me by my party, this was meant to be a surprise, but now it's a safety precaution.

My sword disappeared from the waist, following a build of weight pushing against my back as I reached over my right shoulder. Galliard the Sky, a Dragon-Bone Greatsword appeared within my grip following a menacing summon of light. I pulled the behemoth from its scabbard and stabbed the shadow from within the cave, standing just outside the light being careful not to step inside.

The second the tip of my larger Greatsword touched the shaded surface within, a massive wave of air blew from within the hollowed earth, pulling back my hair and wobbled everyone behind me but Yuuki and Tecchi.

These two remain integral to this operation and now they're ready.


A humongous Crystal Sword pierced through the shadow thrusting towards me, but I got it right where I wanted.

I used Galliard's edge and diverted its trajectory to the left, making a screeching sound as our swords forced one another.

A second one went right past me going for Tecchi, but not before a loud clang whirred echoes behind me. Yuuki managed to divert it to her right with her sword too, finally making a good clearing at the centre for the others!


Tecchi charged in battle holding his shield high up with the Central Squad following his lead. Finally, the head of the demon revealed its face from the darkness and charged the Tank, though it immediately became its undoing.

Jun, Nori, and Talken appeared behind the gnome and jabbed into the demon's skull, making it take massive damage without a moment elapsed. The triple strike managed to make the mini-boss back away and reeled its two crystal swords back into the shadows along with it.

"It's not over yet!"

The dark shades seem to be clearing fast, making visual contact possible. This revealed parts of the monster, finally.


I see a faint luminescence around Tecchi, a buff effect circled his body under Siune's spell. Yuuki and I charged at him with everything we got.

Being the faster of us two, she reached him first and used his shield as a ramp, launching her to the air. I soon followed suit.

In the uptime I have, I began the stance needed to activate my sword skill.

Concentrate, Akashi!

The neck!



Tyrfing Inferno Ex Skill: Blazing Halo

Aincrad Rapier Skill: Quadruple Pain

We shouted our sword skills as our auras combined a red and violet flash.

I lacerated the demon's neck on the left side, leaving Yuuki to pierce through on the right. The head exploded right off its shoulders and smashed the stone ceiling above. Collapsing the granite stone debris on its large, dead body. Affectively crushing it to oblivion.

We stood up from the landing, our swords still radiating contrasted colours, slowly fading as we sheathed them. Turning to head outside the darkness, everyone started cheering for us in advance for delivering the 'Last Blow'.

Jun and Nori awed at us while the rest surrounded us with compliments.



"Good job, you two. Without Akato, we would be dead weight and particles by now. Our little leader here too, she never seizes to surprise us." Siune says, patting Yuuki's head.

"Aww, gee~ hehe!"

"Good job, all of you can carry out tasks and work in proper order. I'm very pleased with the results, you're all wonderful!" I gave my two cents as well, seeing everyone contributed fairly on the matter.

I realized how my partner is red-hot everywhere, her face seems to be almost peach pink. It's the thrill of the fight, isn't it? It's gotta be, I know exactly... how that feels.

[The End of Chapter 6]


Author's Notes

I had to change the sword skill's names to a different one compared to the first release. I change my mind a lot, I know. I hope I won't be this indecisive in the near future. If I end up doing this again, just remember that I have a doo-doo brain.


Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now