Chapter 6

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TW: mention of abuse, and scars

Eventually Mr. Notfound showed up to teach, allowing Mr. Sapnap to leave them with their actual teacher, who was profusely apologising for sleeping in once more. He introduced himself to Tommy, before continuing with the rest of the lesson.

The class was boring to say the least, but what else could you expect from a math class? Tommy could do math, he didn't know why, but it clicked in his head in a way that little else did. Of course, he had still missed plenty of school over the years with foster parents not being bothered to take him, but he had done enough to get by.

After class ended, Ranboo began talking excitedly about how Tommy would get to meet everyone now. Apparently Ranboo, Wilbur and Purpled were all part of a big group of friends that contained a few people from each year group. It was weird in Tommy's books. Not only because at all the schools he had been to, he had never been considered part of a friend group, but also because as far as he knew, most friend groups stuck to their own year.

Tommy didn't know if he wanted to make friends. He supposed it might be easier if he had some, but he knew that soon enough Puffy would come for him, muttering about Tommy's bad luck with always landing in the abusive houses, and he would leave. He would leave everything here behind and if he had attachments it would hurt like hell. That was how his world was. He'd have to distance himself. He couldn't go through that pain again. Not again.

He pulled his bag over his shoulders and silently followed the cheerful Ranboo out of the room. He was lead past the cafeteria where Ranboo stopped.

"Did you need to buy food or did you bring your own?"

"I brought my own," Tommy replied, not adding that it was just and apple, and Ranboo nodded.

"I'm buying lunch today, I'll meet up with you guys in a bit," Purpled smiled, before vanishing into the cafeteria. Ranboo nodded before continuing to walk. That was also weird. Most groups ate in the cafeteria usually, that's why it was a place Tommy did his best to avoid. If he had to buy food, he'd usually get that and sit outside. It looked like this group had adopted a similar practise but for different reasons. Wilbur himself was clearly respected. The fucking king of the school seeming guy had walked away, leaving Tommy alone as soon as Wilbur showed up. That in itself was impressive. If Wilbur had that strength, he could probably clear out the entire cafeteria if he wanted.

Eventually Ranboo walked through a set of doors that led outside, and over to a group of 7 kids of ranging ages.

"Hey guys!" Ranboo beamed and they all looked over. Tommy instantly recognised Wilbur, but the rest were complete strangers to him.

"Oh hey, this is Tommy everyone, the new kid I was telling you about," Wilbur grinned, waving them over and moving to the side to give Tommy and Ranboo room to sit next to him.

"Hey Tommy," An older girl with pale pink hair grinned at him, "I'm Niki, year 12."

"You know me, Wilbur, year 12. This is my girlfriend, Sally, also year 12," Wilbur introduced, pointing at the girl sitting on the other side of him with orange-red curly hair and a small shell necklace.

""I'm Conner, your year group!" A kid, wearing a sonic hoodie and sitting directly across the circle from them, grinned.

"I'm Fundy, year 11, and apparently Sally and Wilbur's adopted kid," Another kid, with ginger hair and presumably fake? fox ears smiled. Tommy tried to hide his discomfort at the words, but the confusion clearly showed on his face.

"It's a running joke that Fundy is adopted, he was the first one not from my year to join this group. I got him to come sit with us because he didn't have friends, and so we joke that he was adopted," Wilbur explained with a chuckled, and Tommy pulled up a half-hearted smile. He didn't know what to think about that, whether they were making fun of kids like Tommy, or genuinely chill about it.

"Hey that's not fair I have friends!" Fundy argued.

"Thanks to me," Wilbur teased.

"I don't know man, I would've been his friend had I joined in year 7," Someone else, this one wearing a duck hoodie, chuckled, "I'm Quackity by the way, year 11."

"I'm Eret, year 12, I use any pronouns," The only one in the group left without an introduction smiled. She had sunglasses on, as well as a strawberry dress. Tommy didn't know what the last part of the statement meant, but he just nodded, knowing better then to ask questions. He'd gotten beaten for that mistake far too many times. He'd google it later if he remembered.

Tommy looked around the group, not sure what to say. He was confused by Eret's statement, and Niki's hair (he hadn't realised hair came like that), Fundy's talk of being adopted, and the whole group's energy. They were sitting on the ground outside when there were unoccupied benches less then a meter away, and Tommy knew they could be inside if Wilbur wanted them to be.

The group eased into general conversation, talking about how they spent their time, and shooting a few questions Tommy's way as well.

Sally was apparently an elite swimmer, that was cool, and when mentioned, the whole group called her a salmon for some reason. Tommy didn't understand that either, but from the way everyone laughed he guessed it was an inside joke.

Niki said something about baking a lot, and Eret added that Niki often made too much food and brought the extras too school when that happened. The group grinned at that, and Wilbur jokingly suggested she should do another baking session so Tommy could try some stuff. Tommy hoped it was a joke at least. He didn't know if he was allowed to eat food other people gave him. Some foster parents got angry when he did.

Eret in turn talked about playing Minecraft in her spare time, and the rest of the group chimed in their agreement. Apparently they unanimously loved Minecraft, whatever that was. Wilbur asked if Tommy had it, and Tommy shook his head, which resulted in everyone encouraging him to get it. Tommy just shrugged, not knowing what to say, considering he didn't even know what it was, and not wanting to ask.

Eventually the group moved on, when 2 new people arrived. The group shuffled around, making room for them as they had for Tommy and Ranboo.

"Hi- oh, who are you?" One of them, the one with paint on his cheek and a notebook, maybe an art journal? under his arm asked.

"I'm Tommy," Tommy replied nervously, hoping the two new people wouldn't hate him and kick him out.

"He's new, joined today, in Ranboo's year group," Wilbur explained.

"Hi Tommy, I'm Karl," The guy who had spoken originally smiled, before gesturing to the other one, "This is Jack."

The other guy- Jack- nodded a greeting, sitting down in the newly cleared spot next to Ranboo. Karl sat next to him, making the circle complete, and the group faded back into relaxed conversation.

Niki asked to see Karl's art book, and he handed it over wordlessly. She opened it to the most recently created page. It contained a beautiful blue bird eating nectar from the flowers surrounding it. It was one of the prettiest things Tommy had seen, but he didn't dare say a word, gently passing it to Ranboo, who instantly asked questions about the inspiration.

The group continued to talk about the piece for a while, before moving to talk about their favourite birds, (which was when Purpled arrived), and the best places to see those birds.

Tommy thought Wilbur was going to ask him what his favourite bird was, and so was exceedingly relieved when before the older guy could, the doors opened and a new person appeared.

That relief instantly faded when Tommy saw the man. He was taller then Schlatt, and looked far stronger. He had a scar running down his face through his eye, leaving the eye damaged, as well as another tracking across his nose. One look at his fists and Tommy could tell the man had hurt people before. His knuckles were covered in the scars Tommy recognised from so many of his past parents.

Tommy was not safe. Tommy was not safe. Tommy was not safe.

The words echoed through Tommy, their truth resounding heavily in him.

He was not safe. He was not safe. He was not safe.

Tommy forced down a scream, squeezing his eyes closed and trying to stop himself from shaking.

He was so dead.

"Hi Techno!" Came Wilbur's casual voice, breaking through Tommy's panicked thoughts.

Words: 1500

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now