Chapter 130

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Conner POV:

Something was up. Something was happening and Conner knew it. Something about Techno had changed from before he had seen Puffy today and afterwards. Conner didn't miss the way Techno instantly looked away when they met in the hallway. More importantly, he didn't miss the tears Techno was clearly trying to hide.

Conner also didn't miss the words Techno murmured to him as they slipped past.

"Thank you Conner, I love you," The words were simple, and amongst the group it wasn't uncommon for them to tell each other they loved them. What was uncommon however, was the way Techno said it, as though an apology, rather then a generic statement.

"Techno?" Conner asked, turning to see his friend's retreating back. Techno stopped when he heard his name, but he didn't answer, didn't turn. That was even more unusual. Techno could be odd sometimes, but not like this. He might distance himself sometimes, but he never ignored them. What was happening? "Techno? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, sorry Conner, I guess I'm just worried about Tommy is all, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok," Conner murmured, not really putting much energy into the words. He was ok, at the current standard, and they all understood that. He was scared to death for Tommy, and there was nothing he could do. What he could do, however, was make sure the people who were still here were ok.

"Do you want some company?" Conner offered, knowing that while Techno wasn't a fan of hugs, sometimes someone being in the room with him would help to calm him. Not when he had an attack of course, that was very different, and Conner knew exactly what to do if that happened. Normally though, Conner's presence would help.

"I'm ok-" Techno started, before hesitating, clearly weighing up his options, "You know what, yeah, I'd love that, but I'm going to do some writing which I'd rather keep private, so if you don't mind not reading over my shoulder, then yeah, I'd love your company."

Conner smiled happily to himself, quickly moving to follow Techno. Something about Techno was still odd, abnormal, but at least he wasn't shutting himself out.

Techno headed into his room, and Conner followed, curling up on a beanbag near Techno's desk, but on the floor. This way Techno would know it was impossible for Conner to read whatever he was writing.  Conner had no clue what Techno was intending to do, but he was ok to just relax in his friend's company. Maybe he could get some sleep here, it was quieter then when the others were all around.

Conner spent most of his time with Quackity, the older kid being like an older brother to him, but there were days where Conner knew Quackity wasn't seeing him. Slime had been Conner's best friend, they had spent their whole lives together, virtually never parting. That had gone from as early as Conner could remember until, well, yeah...

Slime had been Quackity's actual brother, and while he knew Quackity cared just because Conner was Quackity's friend, some days Conner just couldn't shake the feeling that Quackity saw him and thought of Slime. Maybe that was something Quackity did, or maybe that was his own overthinking. After all, Conner himself saw some of Slime in Quackity.

Today was one of those days, and he had needed to escape the smothering pained looks Quackity kept sending his way. So, he had gone to check on Techno, which he had been planning to do anyway.

When Techno had finished writing, he packaged the pages away in some sort of system, and left them on his desk, before turning to Conner and starting to talk. They didn't talk about anything in particular, just about life and happiness and pain and how it all fits together. Of course, that description made it sound far more philosophical then it was. Much more accurately, Conner had been on the edge of sleep, and Techno was clearly tired, so the two had just talked about whatever they felt like in between exhausted yawns.

Techno seemed to slip reminders that he cared for Conner into the conversation more then would be considered normal, although Conner supposed that was probably something only he actually thought about. He had been told that he thought about things differently to others, that most people didn't notice the things he did. Conner didn't know how true that was, but he did know that he couldn't rely too heavily on things he considered unusual.

Still, that knowledge that something was just off would not stop bugging him. Something about Techno wasn't normal. Conner wanted to believe he was wrong, but deep down, he knew that his gut feeling was correct. Either way, Conner didn't want to leave Techno alone. Not yet. Not until he knew Techno was back to normal or, well, whatever this new normal was.

Eventually Techno broke from the conversation, suggesting that they head downstairs to talk to the others. Conner agreed, preparing himself slightly for this. When he stood up however, Techno didn't follow instantly. Instead, Techno stared at him for a long time, seemingly unable to make a decision. Finally, the choice was made, and Techno's eyes showed his uncertain certainty.

"Can I have a hug?" Techno asked, his voice so low Conner wanted to ask Techno to repeat himself, but he also knew what Techno had said, and he was far too scared Techno would take it back.

"Of course, anytime," Conner beamed, holding his arms out, making sure Techno knew exactly what was happening, before stepping forward and wrapping Techno in a soft hug. Techno had never asked for a hug before. His rules explicitly stated that no one was to touch him without permission, much less hug him, but this was nice. This was good. Conner knew it meant he was right, something was happening, but at the same time, he was just glad he could give Techno a hug.

Words: 1000

A/N: once again, far too lazy to edit, so just let me know if there is any dum mistakes lol

Also, important note, please don't be worried about what you are commenting about the book, if u complain about how sad it makes u, I know it's a compliment to my book, it means I did good, I made u emotionally attached and kept u there, so feel free to scream at me for that. What wouldn't be ok is if u were actually attacking me, and either saying I'm a bad author, or being transphobic, or whatever, but I haven't had any of that yet, and I don't expect it will happen at all. Basically all I'm saying is don't worry, I have siblings, I know what teasing in a fun way is, and if u r worried ur tone will come across wrong, just chuck on some tone tags :] love u all/p and I'm so glad ur enjoying the fic <3

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