Chapter 147

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A/N: ohh a chapter starting with an authors note, how unusual...

Anyways, here's what you need to know for this chapter:

underlined words = the voices
Italics/slanted = singing


TW: mention of blood, unconsciousness, manipulation, abuse

Tommy POV:

Tommy spent that night restless, trying to work out what Drista meant. It didn't make sense. How could she be his triplet? He was only a twin... what was she trying to do? Was she messing with him? Maybe she couldn't be trusted... maybe this was some stupid setup and trusting her wouldn't do anything. Tommy didn't know what Drista wanted, but what she had said made no sense.

What was the point of that claim? Was she trying to manipulate him? It wouldn't work, but surely she knew that...

Tommy's parents hadn't been great before they died, but they had been around. It had just been Tubbo and Tommy. No third sibling. She had to be making it up. That was the only option, but why? What was she trying to do?

Tommy wanted an answer, and he wanted it badly. He needed to know why she said that. People never did that. They usually said things to make him seem more alone... unless she was suggesting that she left because she hated him? But still, it didn't make sense, she would've had to be a baby in order for Tommy not to remember. Right?

This was too much. Too hard. Too confusing. Tommy just needed to sleep and pretend everything was normal. Who cares if that was a lie. He would need the energy for tomorrow, whatever the day brought. If Drista didn't manage to escape with Finley, well, who knew what would happen. Tommy wouldn't let her die though. That was the most important thing. Finley would not die. Not if Tommy could help it. So, sleep was something he needed.


Techno POV:

Dream had told him his next fight was tomorrow. Left him in his cell with his sword to train extra hours. The BloodGod as he was known here was yet to make an appearance around the others, Dream had said something about keeping him a surprise. Techno couldn't care less, except for the fact that he couldn't find Tommy. Still, they probably wouldn't be allowed to talk.

Oddly enough, Dream wasn't Techno's trainer, XD was. XD was ranked second only to Dream, but Techno had been one of Dream's prized possessions, and Dream still acted like Techno was his. XD did too. It was like XD was watching him while Dream worked on something else.

Techno hoped like hell that that something else wasn't Tommy. Even as that thought flickered across his mind, Techno wanted to scream. Of course it was. Of course it was Tommy. Techno owed a lot to the kid. Stepping in and fighting Dream probably resulted in far more punishment from Dream.

Techno didn't have to think back to remember what Dream did to him. The voices reminded him constantly, more now then normal without his meds. Plus, the wall of his cell, the wall that was covered in scratches, told all the stories he might have forgotten. Each stroke an agonising day, tallied up until there had been no more room and he had started doing the tally vertically over the top. Then diagonally.

The scratches were made with whatever he had with him, either his nails, or a drill weapon, or a small sharp rock or whatever he could find. There were a few lines that stood out. Sections of days dedicated to those he had spent unconsciousness. Days marked by Dream's sharp blade digging in deeper and smoother than any other scratches. Those lines then coated with blood. Techno's blood. His punishment for failing. A slice of his blood for every day he didn't train.

Techno had to force himself to look away from the wall, curling up in on himself to try to make the voices shut up as they grew louder, enticed by the dried blood and painful memories.

"You're useless. Pathetic. Think of all the days you haven't trained. You've betrayed them. Betrayed DREAM. This is all your fault. If those days were bad for your skill, how awful you must be now. You'll get slaughtered tomorrow. That'll show you. You'll be back where you belong. In pain."

No. No. No please no. They had to shut up. They had to. Techno couldn't do this much longer.

"Wil?" Techno cried out, his voice hoarse, pleading for his brother to save him. To make the voices go away. To hold him until he was safe again. Only, Wilbur wasn't here. He couldn't save him. He couldn't make the voices go away. He couldn't hold him. Techno was alone.

Maybe it was for the best. Wilbur was safe from him. No. No. Wilbur had made him promise not to think like that. He wouldn't betray his brother. He needed their song, and if Wilbur couldn't sing it, Techno would. Maybe it would help? Maybe it would make this better...

"Long day... tough night...
Just one of those weeks," Techno murmured the lyrics, not quite singing them, but letting it flow through him, imagining Wilbur singing the words.

"I feel stressed out, run down
Like you wouldn't believe," This time Techno had to smile sadly at the irony of this. The words Wilbur had found were originally connected to Techno's breakdowns, but now, out here, alone, they hit harder somehow. He hadn't believed this would happen. He really hadn't.

"When I'm staring in the mirror
I can hear You whisper
'Just breathe, trust me'" that line was so true. Techno didn't have to stand in a mirror to know Wilbur was doing everything he could to find them. Techno had to trust him. He had to survive long enough for Wilbur to arrive.

"Yeah, even on a long day
Tough night, tough year
I promise you
We're gonna make it through
I know you're tired of trying
But don't quit fighting
'Cause hope is coming soon," Soon. Soon Wilbur would find him. Techno had to believe that.

Sharp sarcastic claps echoed down the hallway as Dream appears, sneering as usual, unimpressed by the noise. Techno didn't regret it though.

Words: 1000

A/N: the song is called "make it through" by Leanna Crawford, would recommend, it's beautiful, and very trohwdiro!Techno energy.

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now