Chapter 149

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Tommy POV:

Tommy was dreading the moment the Masked Ones appeared but still he knew it would come soon enough. He wanted to protect Finley. Wanted to fix what he had done. Anything. Anything at all. He wanted to help the kid. She was too young. Too gentle. Too innocent. Too kind. She should not be here. She could not die. Tommy wouldn't let her.

He just wished he knew if the Survivors had gotten his message and prepared her. Wished he knew if Drista had escaped. Wished he knew if any of this would work.

Minute by minute Tommy waited in his cell, wondering when it would all go to hell. He had no clock, no way of telling time, and he knew he wasn't sleeping tonight, so he just waited and waited and waited.

"Theseus?" A voice called softly, forcing Tommy's eyes open again, ready for whatever was about to happen.

"Here," Tommy replied, voice dull and emotionless. Perfectly tuned to minimise argument. Minimise Finley's risk.

He scanned the edge of his bars, trying to make out the person in the darkness.

"The others don't know I'm here but I had to warn you," The Masked One said, as though that made any sense. What other ones? Warn him about what? Was this a test? Was Dream testing him? Maybe this was a trap?

Tommy didn't ask any of those questions. Questions weren't safe. So, he just stared at her, waiting for answers that might never come.

"Tomorrow, Dream is going to try to break you. He want's you to lose your hope of the outside world coming. Whatever happens, don't let Dream get in your head."

"I don't hope," Tommy replied matter of factly. Hope was not something he had. Ever. Not for years. He wouldn't let himself hope.

"Tommy, remember this one thing, whatever you see, it is all Dream playing tricks with your head. Don't blame anyone except the Masked Ones. Promise me."

Tommy didn't say anything, he just nodded, and that seemed to be enough for the Masked One.

"Don't tell anyone that I was here," she said before slipping away into the darkness.

Tommy didn't question it. He couldn't. He didn't even know where to begin questioning. He just agreed without arguing, unsure what else to do.


Conner POV:

Conner felt like he had been walking for weeks, although he knew it wasn't anywhere near that long. Still, the relief that came when he saw a gas station ahead of him was all consuming. He had to get there. He had to get there. He could call someone. He could finally get out of here! He could! He could-


Tommy POV:

Tommy held in the snarky remark that almost came out when he saw XD, ready to slam him for anything. Only, Finley's life was still on the line.

He followed the Masked One as instructed, trying to be perfect and knowing he was failing no matter what he did.

He followed XD until they arrived at a massive line of people with all sorts of masks. Not just Masked Ones with their smiles. There were some with animal masks, some with masquerade masks, some with surgical masks, some with super hero or supervillain masks, some with led lights, some with cogs and pipes, some blood stained, others polished clean. Some were in groups of matching or similar masks, and others were alone with individual designs.

So many people. So many masks, and they were all looking at Tommy, because he had no mask. It was probably pretty clear what he was. Tommy could sense that he was the thing they were all here to see. A child. Fighting. Fighting for his life. Only he wasn't fighting today. He was watching a fight. Watching a friend die. Watching a CHILD die.

These people would laugh at Tommy's misery, they would enjoy the fight, enjoy the death of a child, and probably complain if ig was over too soon.

Tommy hated people like that. He wouldn't be surprised if many of his old foster parents were in this crowd. Those who hadn't gotten convicted, or who were finished with their time, or who had simply received a fine due to minimal evidence, because Tommy's word alone was never enough.

Never enough to make them stop the pain.
Never enough to make them stop hurting him.
Never enough to save anyone.
Never enough to protect anyone.
Never enough to put them in jail.
Never enough. Never enough.

Tommy was never enough, and everyone in this room knew that. Everyone knew he was weak. A puppet. Unable to do anything to stop the bloodshed. Unable to protect Finley. Unless...

He spun around, meeting XD's eyes.

"You want to have a show, right? To entertain all these people? Let's be honest, The Blood God killing some 4 year old is not that impressive. You know I can put on a good show. Put me in the arena. I'll make it worth your time. These people don't know me, but they know The Blood God. They'll bet on The Blood God. Think of how much money I can win you. I'll win this fight. I will. Let me fight."

XD looked at him for a long moment, before chuckling slightly.

"You're a brave one, and your right, it'll be an interesting fight. More so when your posed as a hero, who dies trying to take revenge for a child's death. Don't you worry Tommy, you'll get your chance soon enough. For now, enjoy the show."

Tommy wanted to sob. He didn't know why he was so devastated, it had been a long shot and he'd known that. But still. It had been a shot and maybe Tommy had believed it could work. Maybe it could have worked. But it hadn't. It had only resulted in Tommy's death as well. He wasn't able to save Finley. He wasn't able to protect her. She was on her own now. Tommy had to trust her to win.

Words: 1000

A/N: sorry for the long periods between updates ;-;

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now