Chapter 156

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Eret POV:

Quackity was back at it, pacing again, this time matched by Niki, Foolish, Fundy, Phil and Purpled, all pacing throughout the lounge room they were all waiting in. Wilbur had returned to the nervous panic that they had finally coaxed him out of, and Sally was trying desperately to reach him and calm him.

That left Eret to look after the other kids. So, he shoved down his own anxiety, and focused on the others. Ranboo, curled up in a ball under Eret's arm. Karl was curled up on the other side of the couch, clutching his art journal desperately. Jack was restless, not pacing, but seeming close to it.

Eret swore if one more person started pacing she might scream. She knew they were all just trying to de-stress and she knew they needed it, but it was so constant. So repetitive. With each footstep Eret could practically hear another unanswered question, another worry, another fear.

So much for trying to relax somewhat on Christmas Eve. Niki's food was probably burning, and even if it wasn't, no one here was going to be able to stomach anything.

Eret wanted answers. He wanted to know Conner was ok. He wanted to know what had happened to Tommy and Techno. He wanted to know they were alive and unhurt. He needed to know.

Ok that was it, they weren't staying here. Eret basically had their license. They could drive. They had heard where Techno was. They weren't staying here for another second more.

"Come on guys, we're going," Eret said, and that was that. She got up, budging Ranboo to stay. Ranboo who immediately ignored him.

"Ranboo, I need you to be safe, stay here. Ok?"


"No, please, stay with Phil."

"Ok," Ranboo sighed, sinking back into the couch, this time leaning on Karl instead.

"Quackity, Sally, Foolish, Niki, you coming?"

Most of them nodded quickly, stifling arguments and please to come from the younger ones. Sally however, hesitated.

"Wilbur?" Eret asked softly, "Do you want to stay here, or do you want to come?"


"We are going to find Techno."

"Coming!" Wilbur answered, shooting up, his legs still shaking, but he was functioning. His eyes were determined. It was the most here Wilbur had been in a long time.

Sally nodded, and the group left, locking the door behind them. Phil had tried to argue, but someone needed to be here for the others, who were also arguing desperately, but it wasn't safe.

"I'll drive, I have my license," Foolish said, slipping into the he front seat of his car.

"I'll navigate," Eret agreed, claiming the front seat.

The others piled into the back, and Foolish took off, heading towards Techno. Towards answers. Towards stupidly dangerous danger.

When they arrived, there were far more police cars and ambulances then had first come. This was big. Bigger then Eret had thought. Techno hadn't been kidding.

Foolish stopped and Eret didn't wait for him to park properly before he jumped out, sprinting towards the nearest ambulance.

"Hey! Hey! Is Techno here!? Or Tommy!? Or Conner!? The missing kids!?"

"Woah, woah, slow down, who are you?"

"Conner, the kid who called this in, where is he? He's my friend."

"He should be in Captain Fallaron's car. That one up there," the paramedic replied, pointing out a car right at the front.

"Thank you!" Eret yelled over his shoulder, running towards the car, with the others close on his heals.

Eret opened the door, checking for Conner, only, he wasn't there...

"Conner..." Quackity sighed, pointing out the footprints towards the house, "Kid can't stop thinking about other people can he?"

"Let's go get him," Eret agreed with a slight groan, following the footprints into the house.

He was stopped at the door, a police officer blocking his way.

"You can't go in there."

"But my friend's in there!"

"Who's your friend kid?"

"Conner, he's the kid who called the police."

"He's in the car."

"No, he's not, he came in here, those are his footprints," Quackity snapped, clearly on the edge of screaming at the man

"Look, I'll radio in, see if the officers inside have him, ok?"

That'd work. It was good enough. They needed to know he was ok.

A crackling response came back through the radio, "There's kids here, but Conner should still be outside."

"He's not!"

"Please let us go in!"

"I have to find my brother!"

"Alright, alright, give me a second, it's like a maze down there, he's probably just lost, I'll send someone to look for him."

"I can find him, let me through!"

"Quackity," Eret warned, gripping the other kid's wrist. She couldn't let him get into a fight with the man. Thankfully, Quackity shut up, and Eret could direct his attention back to the officer, "Let's be honest here, you need all hands on deck for this problem, well, we're here. We'll stay away from the action, we just want to find Conner."

"Alright, but you have to put some body armour on first, there should be some spare in that one," The officer agreed with a sigh, pointing them in the direction of a car.

Eret held in a cheer, making sure he didn't come off as 'childish' or 'immature' in a way that might change the officer's decision, and he pulled Quackity over to the car.

"Quackity!" Eret hissed under his breath, "Stop picking fights you can't win."

Quackity only grunted in response, but Eret couldn't blame him. He was just trying to protect Conner. Eret would probably do the same if someone tried to stop him helping Ranboo.

Still, it was usually best to try to appease the police, they were more likely to do their job if you did. Or- well- Eret supposed this was a flipped case of convincing them not to, since his job was technically to keep them out. Ahh well, sometimes that's just how it goes. Eret certainly wasn't intent on arguing this one.

Words: 1000

A/N: SO MANY UPDATES ALL AT ONCE!? AYO!? Been out of signal range but that didn't stop me writing! It's all coming thru now!!! Enjoy!!! (Also pls tell me ur thoughts I love hearing u guys talk about this AHHH/pos)

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