Chapter 75

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TW: mentions of abuse

Wilbur POV:

"It's the rules"

"What?" Wilbur asked, confusion filling him. What rules? Why had Tommy reacted like that? What was going on? Was it something from Dream or something from much earlier? Who would stop a kid asking questions? Why would they do that? That was unnatural! It was just wrong.

"It's the rules," Tommy repeated, now sounding less certain, and twice as terrified.

"Tommy, did Dad ever tell you it was a rule?" Wilbur asked slowly, trying to help Tommy to understand, and Tommy shook his head, eyeing Wilbur cautiously.

"Did Techno?" Wilbur asked, his voice soft, walking through it with Tommy. He couldn't stand the thought of Tommy not feeling safe doing normal things like asking questions because of cruel rules someone else probably violently forced upon him. Again, Tommy shook his head.

"Did I?" Once more, Tommy's head shook, although fear was still clear on his face, and Wilbur knew he had to explain, "I don't know what your previous houses have been like. I don't know what they've told you, or the rules they've given you, but none of it applies here. Phil, Techno and I are going to go through the few rules we have here at lunch, but even if you break those new rules, accidentally or on purpose, we will never hurt you. There will never ever be a time when you are not allowed to ask questions. In fact, I would love to hear you ask questions. You can question our judgment. You can question our rules. You can question what we are doing or why we do it or anything else. No one will ever be upset for you for asking a question. Maybe you won't get an answer if you ask the question and they don't feel comfortable answering, but no one will ever tell you off for that. Not while you live with us. If anyone does, you tell me, Techno, Dad or anyone in our group because we will defend you."

Wilbur watched Tommy carefully as he spoke, trying to gage what Tommy was thinking, and if he understood. He looked confused, but Wilbur had a pretty strong feeling that it was not because he didn't understand the words, rather that he didn't understand why. The way Tommy had reacted probably meant it was something he thought everyone insisted on. It would probably be a hard habit for Tommy to break.

"Hey Tommy, do you think you could do something for me?" Wilbur asked, his voice soft, as though promising Tommy wouldn't have to do it if he didn't want to.

Tommy, still looking terrified, nodded. Wilbur wished he could remove the terror, but he still remembered when Techno first arrived. Techno had been about Tommy's age, and Wilbur knew he would never forget the constant panic attacks. He would never forget the way Techno would constantly be on edge, constantly expecting pain. He would never forget the way Techno would stand at an angle to keep people in view of his good eye. He would never forget the terror Techno had held for so long. At the same time, Wilbur would never forget the relief that came with the first time Techno didn't flinch away from him. The joy at Techno's first real smile. The day Techno had asked to sleep in Wilbur's room to feel safer. The slowly earned trust. The eventual love. He would never forget the time it took, but he would also never ever forget just how much it was worth it.

Techno had never had an issues asking questions, but Wilbur knew Tommy wouldn't be the same as Techno. He just had to hope that Tommy would end up feeling safe the way Techno had.

"Can you try to ask at least one question every day?" Wilbur asked and instantly he saw the pure panic on Tommy's face increasing to a level that looked far too close to a panic attack, and quickly Wilbur put his hands up placatingly, trying to reassure Tommy that he would be fine.

"It can just be to me, and it can be something small like favourite colour or anything you want. It can be as big or as small as you want, and I promise I'll never hurt you for it. I promise."

Wilbur watched as Tommy did his best to decrease, or hide his terror, he wasn't sure which it was, but there was still fear there and he knew it.

"What was the question you asked me earlier? What's my favourite animal? Well, it's between a salmon fox and a sheep, but I'd have to go with salmon just because we joke that Sally is one, and fox right behind it because of Fundy," Wilbur said, watching Tommy as he spoke, trying to gage how the boy was feeling. The terror had spiked when Wilbur had started, but it began to lesson when he answered the question, and by the end he had nodded, as though accepting the answer. He didn't seem completely certain about it, but he accepted it. That much was good.

"Did you want to play a different game?" Wilbur asked, wishing he could make Tommy feel safe. He wanted Tommy to believe him when he said no one would hurt him. He wanted Tommy to understand that they were different. That they were better then the other places. That he wasn't going to be hurt here.

Tommy shrugged, noncommittal as always, but Wilbur got a strong sense that Tommy was saying no without actually saying no.

"You can say no if you want to, or you can say yes, it won't effect anything, I'm just asking what you want to do," Wilbur added, with the small hope that Tommy would understand. The kid just shrugged again, and Wilbur had to force himself not to sigh. He knew it would take time. He knew it would be a process, but Tommy would get there. He had to believe. He had to hope.

Words: 1000

A/N:  <3

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now