Chapter 100

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Wilbur POV:

Wilbur held Techno for a long time, trying to work up the courage to say the words that he knew would break his brother's heart. When the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of one of their friends, Wilbur knew he had no choice.

"Who's that?"

"It's someone from our group, I don't know who," Wilbur said slowly, trying to work out how to word what he knew he had to say.

"Why are they coming over so soon? I don't know if I'm ready Wil..."

"Puffy asked them too... She didn't send that social worker... Tommy was kidnapped..." Wilbur explained, every word breaking his heart.

"What!?" Techno yelled, pushing away from Wilbur to look his brother in the eyes, trying to gage if this was some sick joke, but Wilbur didn't take offence, it was denial, not expectation.

"Puffy called Dad, wanting to talk to Tommy, and then got confused when Dad said she had taken Tommy already. The social worker was a fake..."

"Shit, what are we supposed to do? Fuck, we lost him Wil, I told him I wouldn't let anyone hurt him and we fucking lost him."

"The voice you heard, the one you called XD... we think that's who took Tommy."

"Holy shit this is bad Wil! This is so fucking bad! He's been there for hours! Do you know how much damage they do? And I have no clue how we are going to find him, please, please tell me we have a plan."

"The police and Puffy are on their way, the rest of our friends were asked to come over here so the police could talk to us all, and everyone was told to never go anywhere alone, just in case."

"No... No... Wil... He can't survive there... He won't survive there... I don't want to lose him Wil... I don't want to lose him..."

"We won't lose him, I promise you Techno, we're going to get him back."

"It took me so long to escape that place Wil, and that was with the help of someone on the inside... I don't think she's still able to get kids out... it's been so long..."

"We will find him. We will. He's coming back Tech, he's coming home."

"I don't want him to get messed up like me..."

"You're not messed up, and Tommy is going to get out of this ok. We are all going to be ok, I promise."

Techno leaned back into Wilbur's arms, and Wilbur held him once more, blinking back tears. He didn't know if his words were true. He didn't know if any of them would be ok. He was scared. He was so fucking scared, but Techno needed him to be strong, so he would be. He would be as strong as he possibly could.

"Wilbur..." Techno asked after a long silence.


"Promise me you'll be careful. Promise me you won't underestimate them. Promise me they won't capture you. Promise me you won't die," Techno begged, the words desperate.

"I promise you, I will be more careful then ever before. No one will get hurt."


"It's going to be ok Techno. We are going to get out of this alive."

"I hope you're right..."

"I am."

Techno sighed softly at the words, relaxing slightly against Wilbur. Wil knew Techno wasn't certain. He knew Techno was scared. He knew that Techno had every right to be scared, after all Techno had been in that hell hole for years. Techno knew what that place was like, whereas Wilbur could only guess. All he knew was that he couldn't even begin to grasp the levels of pain the people there had experienced, and that terrified him.


Eret POV:

The phone call with Phil had to be the worst phone call of Eret's life. Phil had told him to have the call on speaker with his parents around, and so he had. He was glad for that because the anguish that came from Phil's words made him collapse, and his mother catching him was the only thing that stopped him hitting the floor hard.

Tommy was gone. Tommy was in danger, and so were they. As soon as Eret got over the initial shock, she was moving to the door. Phil had said not to go anywhere alone, but she had to make sure Ranboo was safe. The kid meant everything to her, and Eret didn't know what she would do if Ranboo was hurt.

Eret could sense his parents a step behind him as he walked across the street, eyes glued to Ranboo's door. He was glad they were there and he was glad they didn't argue. His parents knew how much Ranboo meant to Eret, and they respected that.

When Eret did make it to the door, she stood, staring at it for a long time, her hand raised to knock, tears trickling down her face. Her parents didn't mention the way she stood frozen, they simply stood next to her, offering comfort if needed. Finally she pulled herself together enough to muster a knock, then another, and another.

The relief that filled Eret when Ranboo appeared in the doorway, unharmed and safe, was overwhelming. They had been so terrified for what could have happened, what XD could have done to Ranboo. Eret hadn't known, and that terror had slashed deep into their heart.

"Eret?" Ranboo asked, confusion clear in his words.

Eret didn't wait for Ranboo to sit down, she simply pulled the boy into a hug, and murmured the words Phil had told her. She held Ranboo as he sobbed, letting him cry into her shirt, while she let her tears hide themselves in his hair.

"You're going to stick with me, ok? We won't be alone, I promise you that," Eret said and Ranboo nodded, accepting the promise gratefully.

Eret moved Ranboo and herself to the side, giving room for her parents to come inside and explain it all to Ranboo's parents. It was a lot.

Words: 1000

A/N: AYO!? CHAPTER 100!? LETS GOOOO!!! With a minimum of 1000 words with each chapter, that means there is more then 100,000 words!!! That's so insane!!! This is literally the length of the average novel and it's no where near done XDD Thank you all so much for sticking around, this fic has been an amazing experience, and I know I've learnt a lot and improved my writing significantly as I've gone along. I'm looking forward to the rest of the fic, and who knows, maybe we'll even hit 200 chapters before it's done- XD

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora