Chapter 138

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Puffy POV:

Puffy realised the fatal flaw in her plan just as the camera they were watching Techno on snapped to black. Techno had practically laid out the flaw, yet somehow they had all missed it. Dream wasn't an idiot, and Dream carried a lot of control and respect in the Masked Ones. Of course someone would be waiting to help, and of course they would know where all the cameras were.

She hadn't seen where they gad come from. She hadn't seen the car they must've taken, and by the time she had sprinted to Techno's position, he was gone. Left without a trace. Well mostly without a trace. The small splattering of blood and the crushed tracker suggested otherwise.

Shit. She had messed up. Badly. This wasn't supposed to happen, but she also knew she shouldn't have expected anything else.

There had to be something. Some clue. Some way of following these ghosts who seemed to have come and gone without a trace. It wasn't much, but it was more of a lead then they had before.

She stepped away from the area, letting the police tape it off and start the investigation. She would leave that up to them. For now, she needed to get back to Falaron and find some way to trace Dream.

She would find every car that had left the radius. She would scan all of them, check for anything suspicious. They had something now. That was what mattered. She couldn't let herself be distracted by the panic filling her.

Puffy, painfully enough, did not manage to leave the scene unnoticed by the press who had managed to flock here in what seemed to be an inordinately short amount of time, although that was what they did.

"Were you here when it all went down?"

"Do you know what happened?"

"Does this have anything to do with the rumours about the kidnapped foster kid?"

"Who's blood was that?"

"Are they ok?"

"Have you seen the footage?"

"What is it like being a social worker for a kidnapped kid?"

"Do you believe the rumours about the fighting ring?"

The camera's flashed around her, almost blinding her, the voices screaming from all sides. This was nothing Puffy wasn't used to, if anything this was easy, she didn't have a child to protect from these people. That painful note hit harder then expecting.

Why couldn't Tommy be here for her to protect? She would get him out of the house, and shield him from the cameras with her body long enough to get him to the car.

She had always hated the way they never gave people time to recover and recuperate. How could they expect a child who had just escaped abuse to respond to their obsessive and overly personal questions? Alone however, Puffy could handle this.

"I'm not taking questions for the time being," Puffy replied, her voice solid and hard. She did not let her natural softness show. They were wasting her time and she needed to get back to work. She needed to find Tommy and Techno.

By the time she had finally managed to get away from the cameras and microphones and sharp questions, her phone rang. Damn it. Not even a second to herself to unpack whatever mess of emotions this was.

"Hello? Puffy here, what can I do for you?" Puffy answered, falling into her natural 'phone voice' as one of her friends called it. Slightly detached, but also bubbly and welcoming. The number wasn't saved on her phone, so this could be anyone, it could be one of her kids, or someone from Techno's family, or some random scam caller, Puffy had no clue.

"PUFFY! THEY HAVE CONNER!" A voice screamed into the phone. Well that answered her question... and gave her about a thousand more.

"Slow down, what do you mean? Who has Conner?"

"Dream! Dream took Techno and Conner followed, FUCK! Why did he have to do this FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

"Quackity, I need you to calm down ok, can you pass the phone to someone else for a second?" Puffy asked, her voice softening, doing her best to calm the kid in any way possible.

There was some clattering on the other side of the line, before a calmer, yet still exceedingly panicked voice came on.

"Puffy? Conner sent messages to Quackity, described the car and the number plate, he said he's hiding, we don't know for certain if he's in the car, but knowing Conner it's something he'd do," Phil explained swiftly.

"Alright, can you tell me exactly what he said?" Puffy asked, racing up the flight of stairs and into the office they had occupied while watching everything unfold.

"10-CEP-703. white Ute, nothing identifying. they have Techno, I'm hiding"

"Ok, ok, I'll get on that straight away, I promise, we'll do everything we can to find him. Send through the messages he sent and if he gives you any more information let us know. If there is any way you can get his exact location, try that, otherwise, we can track a call almost as soon as it's made, so any contact at all is vitally important. Make sure he doesn't do anything more dangerous, and definitely do not let him interact with Dream."

Puffy knew it was a lot, knew she would have to give them more, but right now she had to focus on getting everything they could to track Dream down as fast as possible. Now it wasn't just Techno. Now Conner's life was also on the line. Damn it.

"Phil, talk to the police who are there, ok? Make sure they know what's happening. I'm going to find them, but I have to go now ok?"

"Ok, please find them," Phil replied, hanging up the phone. As much as Puffy wanted to fix this herself, she knew this part was for the police. She could look at foster logs all day long, but she couldn't track a car down.


A/n I rlly have gotten lazy on the not even doing one edit of these chapters haven't I- WELP

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