Chapter 172

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Tommy POV:

Tommy sat, reviling in the warm comfort of Puffy's office. He had quickly found his favourite fidget that he always claimed, and now he was listening to Puffy, who was talking through some issue she was having... ok, he wasn't really listening to what she was saying, more just listening to her voice. The knowledge that she was there relaxed him.

Eventually, Puffy was packing up her stuff and Tommy knew it was time. He had to face everyone. He was going back to being fostered by Philza, and he had to face the whole group.

As the anxiety he felt started to skyrocket, Milo nudged into his hand, demanding attention. Tommy let himself be dragged down to the dog's level, let Milo become almost like a weighted blanket, let his mind relax.

"We'll have to see if he can stay with you for a bit," Puffy mused, more to herself then anything.

"What?" Tommy asked, deeply uncertain about what Puffy meant.

"Milo, he's clearly doing his job, maybe it would help if he stuck with you for a little bit. You know what? I'll call Phil, ask if he's ok with that."

Tommy stared at her, stunned. There was no way Phil would say yes, looking after a kid as messed up as Tommy was bad enough, let alone Techno, who was still recovering from the electric shock, AND the relived trauma, and now Puffy was going to ask to bring a dog into it? Not a chance. Sure, Tommy would love it, but it wouldn't happen.

Still, Puffy called someone, and upon the phone being answered, started talking to Phil, seeming pleased with his responses.

"He says you can have Milo with you as long as you need, and as long as Callahan is ok with you taking him."

"Wait, really!?" Tommy asked, shocked to the core. No. No, this made no sense. Was Phil planning to take Milo away to punish Tommy? Or worse, hurt Milo? No. No he couldn't do that to the dog, "I don't... I don't think it's a good idea..."

"Talk me through what you're thinking right now Tommy," Puffy requested, kneeling in front of him so she wasn't towering over his seated form.

"What- what if they take it out on Milo? He hasn't done anything, I can't do that to him."

"Tommy, kid, I promise that won't happen. Remember, I stayed with them for a while. They are good people. Plus, Techno grew up there, and he wasn't that different to you, he says they've only been good to him, it won't be different for you."

"But what if..."

"Tommy, you trust me, hey? This isn't me being hopeful. I know you don't like that word, and it's not that. I'm certain. For the first time ever, I am so sure you will be completely and utterly safe."


"He will be safe too. I promise. We can do this together, yeah? I'll be there all day today, and I'll be back in the morning. I'll keep coming until you feel safer."

"You're sure?"


Puffy was never this definite. Not when it came to foster houses. She didn't like to promise things. She could be hopeful, or insist things would get better, but never so much about one foster house. Maybe she was right.

Tommy, although cautious, trusted her. He really did. So, he followed her when she went to talk to Callahan and helped her when she needed a hand carrying Milo's food and water bowl.

By the time they were ready to leave, Milo was insistently asking for attention, and maybe that had something to do with the dogs training and ability to sense Tommy's nerves, but it was still nice. Nice to feel needed and wanted and appreciated.

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now