Chapter 169

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Tommy POV:

Tommy watched Finley's excitement, and intermittently looked up to see Foolish, who's eyes were always trained on Finley. Those eyes were so fully of love, adoration, pain, sorrow, worry, and warmth. Tommy couldn't imagine anyone looking at him like that, but he knew he could trust it. Foolish truely did care for Finley, and that made Tommy's heart swoop with joy. Finley had found her forever home. It was clear that whatever happened, Foolish wasn't letting Finley leave his sight. Not for a long time.

"Hey Fin, darlin', our time is up, we're going to go sit with Uncle Phil for a bit, ok? Say bye bye to Tommy," Foolish told the girl, his voice carefully soft, balanced, and informative. There was so much love in that. Tommy could tell Foolish was doing everything he could to raise Finley and give her a chance to learn to love this world. He had to appreciate that.

Sure, Tommy felt a little jealous, wishing he could have someone care that much for him, but it didn't matter. Finley had that, and he was glad. She deserved it. Sweetest kid Tommy had ever met, and he couldn't be more grateful that the cursed arena didn't break her.

Once they had left, Tommy was all too aware of the quiet- the hospital was far from quiet, but the loss of Finley's enthused chattering made him feel empty.


Drista POV:

The next time that Drista woke, after a lot of tests, discussions, and questions, she was finally allowed to leave her room, albeit confined to a wheelchair, in order to visit Tommy.

Her heart may well have stopped when she saw him. There was something so lost about him. Something so dejected, even in his room with colourful lights flickering around him. His arm was bandaged up, but the bandages went through the hole, making it clear that the doctors had no plans to close it up.

Tommy's eyes met hers, and while there wasn't the same fear as she was used to from him, there didn't seem to be much else either.


That at least seemed to click, and recognition showed on his face.

"Oh, hi Drista," he said slowly, in a tone that indicated he hadn't known who she was until she had spoken.

"Tommy, what happened?"

There was no way this was the same boy. Tommy had been a lot of things in the time he had spent with her, but lifeless? That was only ever in unconsciousness.

"Hi Drista," Tommy mumbled again, as though trying to remind himself who she was.

"Hey Tommy," Drista replied softly, moving her wheelchair to be next to him, "How are you going?"

"Do you think I'll ever be as happy as Finley?" Tommy asked, his face devoid of emotion, but clearly Finley had been in here not too long ago.

"I think you will. I think we all will, but especially you. You can't see it, but there is a whole group of kids out there sitting, just waiting to be permitted in to see you. People love you Tommy. A lot. Give them a chance, let them care for you. Let them make you happy. Let them into your heart."

"Why would anyone care about me?"

"Because you're so completely perfectly you. Before I even knew you personally, I knew you were good. You saw Finley being hurt and you tried to protect her, and earlier the same with Badlinu, and before that Tubbo. And it's not just them, it's Punz, Ponk, Rae, Sherbet, Centross, Athena, Oceana, and so many more. All the stories get back to me, and all of them talk about how kind you were, how much you stood up to people for them. You are so good Tommy. You care so much. Now, all you need to do is let them take root in your heart."

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