Chapter 170

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Tommy POV:

Tommy shut the art journal quickly, panic building in his heart. He tried to crush it down, make it smaller, but he couldn't. Karl had seen his fear. Karl had seen his pain. Karl had seen his weakness. Karl had barely talked to him, yet he knew. Tommy must've been far too obvious. If Karl knew, who else did too? Who was coming for him now?

Techno knew, obviously, and Tommy still didn't know wether he was safe or not. But Wilbur must know, and Ranboo, and probably Foolish now, and oh shit, Quackity must know, which means that Quackity knows he can do all the damage he wants. The older boy probably hates him for putting Conner in danger, even if that wasn't Tommy's intention.

Oh, Tommy was so dead. So fucking dead.

"Tommy, I need you to breathe, ok? Are you alright? Does anything hurt?"

Tommy shook his head desperately, his lungs begging for air, but his mouth was pursed tightly and his heart was beating out of his chest.

"Can you tell me what's happening Tommy?"

Again, Tommy shook his head, his hands clenching and unclenching, unable to do much else to help him.

"Tommy, you need to breathe or they will have to give you oxegyn and you'll be stuck here for longer ok? Can you breathe for me? Open your mouth, that's it, in, out, good job, keep it up Tommy. Slow a little, yeah that's better, deep breaths, ok," The nurse continued speaking until Tommy was breathing normally and his heart had returned to a normal level, although the panic was still strong in his mind.

It was only when Puffy arrived that Tommy started to truely calm, relaxing into the hug she held him in. The only person Tommy would ever trust to hold him like this, and he didn't want to let go.

"What happened kid?" Puffy asked softly after some time. Tommy wanted to grumble about the fact he had to talk instead of just soak in the hug, but he could tell Puffy wanted a real answer and wouldn't accept a simple 'nothing' as an answer.

"They know how scared I am Puffy. They know how hurt I am, and they can use that against me now. I'm scared Puff, I don't want to hurt like that again, not so soon."

"Tommy, kid, remember when you first went to Phil's house, and they talked about boundaries with you?"


"Those are things they don't feel comfortable with, and so they express that they don't want it to happen. They share their weaknesses, and in turn they protect each other from it. It's ok to be weak. It's ok to talk about it. They will listen to you Tommy."

"It's never that easy Puffy, you hope too much you know..."

"I'm not just saying this all because I'm hopeful. I have spent a lot of time around them since you were kidnapped. I know these people, in fact, I knew Techno when he was just a kid, younger then when I first met you. They are good people Tommy, I promise you that."

"Puffy, I don't think there's such thing as good people. You're the only one I know."

"Tommy, don't say that. What about Tubbo, what about your birth parents? What about Finley? Freddie? Aimsey? Snifferish? What about Foolish- don't deny it, I've seen the jealous way you look at Finley. There are good people out there, and more importantly, right now, you are surrounded by good people. Can you trust me on that?"

"I trust you Puffy, I always do, I just- what if your wrong?"

"About this Tommy, I know I'm not. This isn't hope talking, because I know you don't trust hope. No, this is knowledge. Real perfect knowledge."

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now