Chapter 51

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TW: mentions of injuries and medication, implications of death/suicide/sh

No one mentioned Tommy's reaction, or clear confusion about how to eat a cupcake, they just smiled when Tommy and Ranboo returned, then went back to eating their own cupcakes. Tommy didn't know if that was because they didn't care, they thought Ranboo would deal with it, or something else. Tommy wished he knew. He wished he could understand any of the group, but he couldn't.

Slowly, Tommy ate the cupcake, ignoring the bee design that did not belong to him. He knew he couldn't refuse it, because not only was refusing things never allowed, 'How dare he be so stuck up as to not take what we give him, there's simple no point giving him anything at all' but also because he couldn't admit he had lied to Techno about his favourite animal. Lying was bad. He knew that. So, he forced down the guilt building up, and he ate the cupcake.

Tommy did his best to force his mind away from the terror and into their conversation, partially wondering if that would give him insight on how much danger he was in.

"I'm not a furry," Fundy grumbled staring disappointedly at the cupcake with a cute fox design and the word "furry" written on it neatly.

"It's ok, you're my little furry son," Sally laughed, leaning on Wilbur slightly as she ate her cupcake with it's admittedly impressive salmon design. Fundy looked like he wanted to argue for a second, but then the entire group, including Fundy, was laughing and Tommy just watched, far too confused to understand what was going on. The silence eventually died down and the conversation returned to something else Tommy had no understanding of, Minecraft. They were talking about things like the ender dragon, shulkers, and elytras, none of which Tommy had any knowledge about. He sat quietly, knowing he wasn't going to understand any of it, and not wanting to wish he did understand.

"Tommy, you don't have minecraft do you?" Wilbur asked, snapping Tommy back into the conversation.

"Uh, no, I don't have it, sorry," Tommy replied, voice even quieter then usual, worried that it would upset Wilbur.

"That sucks, I would've invited you to join our server," Wilbur sighed, "Well, if you get it, let me know and I'll add you to it."

Tommy nodded hesitantly hoping that Wilbur wasn't mad, but he seemed ok? He didn't seem like he was mad? Tommy wasn't sure, but when the conversation returned easily into the casual joking the group was usually filled with, Tommy' worry eased somewhat , at least there was no apparent added risk right now.

When the bell signalling the end of recess went, relief filled Tommy at the escape. He quickly stood up, with Ranboo joining him instantly, and they headed to their next class, Physics. All things considered, Tommy didn't really mind Physics that much. A lot of it was algebra using formulas they are given. Algebra was something Tommy had spent far too many hours perfecting his understanding of it. He had been studying it in a house much like Dream's where the rule was that he had to get perfect scores. He hadn't understood algebra, so he had made himself understand. Now it was something he knew far better. So, when Tommy found out that they were just doing a lot of practise questions during the session, it was a relief. He didn't have to try to learn something new. He basically just got extra study time.

The next class, Chemistry, was a different stress entirely. He had to analyse the experiment they had done, specifically mentioning the mistakes made. Tommy had barely paid attention to the experiment, too focused on protecting himself from the flame, and now he didn't know how to do this part.

To Tommy's immense relief, Conner spent the entire time discussing the results and his answers to each question. Conner was basically thinking aloud and Tommy appreciated the answers he was getting so easily. Tommy did his best to ignore the points Conner said as mistakes. He knew he wasn't allowed to make mistakes, but he couldn't not write it, but by writing it he admitted to it. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, so he just did what Conner did. There was a chance Dream wouldn't find out, but less of a chance that Mr. Skeppy wouldn't find out.

When the class was over, Tommy followed Conner slowly to the group, resigned to another lunch of danger and confusion. He was however, stopped by Techno, who asked to speak to him alone for a moment, before he made it to the spot outside. Conner left with a quick cheerful goodbye to Tommy, and then Techno and Tommy were alone, and Tommy waited for the punch that was to come. He knew talk never meant talk. He knew what it meant.

"Can you come with me to the nurse's office Tommy?" Techno asked gently, and Tommy nodded, terrified to do anything other then follow Techno. Techno was going to hurt him. Why hadn't he hurt him yet? What was he planning?

Tommy followed Techno, his eyes searching for an escape, but knowing that there was no way he could escape Techno. Not when Techno had so easily kept up with Tommy's full out sprint. Not when Techno could easily catch him and trap him. No. Escape was not an option.

Techno lead Tommy into the nurses office, and with a quick word to Kristin, checking that it was free, into the back room. He disappeared for a few seconds, leaving Tommy in the room sitting on the side of the bed alone, still knowing there was no escape. There was only one exit, the door, which Techno wasn't far from. Techno returned, holding a cup of water and 2 painkillers.

"I know you don't trust them, but you still need them Tommy," Techno said when Tommy quickly stood up and backed away from the outstretched hand. Tommy knew to some extent that Techno was right. He knew painkillers helped. He knew it would help massively with the screaming agony of the broken rib. He knew it would be safe. He knew it all in his head, but he saw those pills and his heart screamed danger. Maybe it was the danger that he'd join Tubbo. Maybe it was the danger that it was so close to death. Maybe it was the danger that he'd give in and take too many. Maybe it was just the danger of taking anything from Techno. All he knew was that it wast a whole lot of danger.

"Tommy, do you trust me?" Techno asked gently, and Tommy was filled with a mess of conflicting thoughts. Techno's fists, still scared from hurting people, danger. Techno's gentle signs of affection, safe. Techno's strength, danger. Techno's similarity to Tubbo, safe. Techno's ability to catch Tommy, danger. Techno's instant defence when Schlatt attacked him, safe. Techno's closeness, danger. Techno's lack of hurting him, safe. No, he did not trust Techno. Yes, he did trust Techno. No it wasn't safe. Yes it was safe. No. Yes. No. Yes. No? Yes?

"Yes," Tommy replied, not knowing the truth. Maybe he trusted Techno, or maybe he didn't, but what he did know was that no matter what, he had to say he did.

"Then can you trust me when I say they are safe? Just 2, that's all. Just to help you heal."

Tommy took the painkillers. Within a second they were out of Techno's hands and swallowed. Tommy had tried so hard to get it over with as fast as possible, finish it so he could be out of this cursed place. Tommy didn't want to die in this room. If he had to die, he wanted it to be outside, but not in an alleyway. If he had to die, he wanted to feel the sun on his cheeks as the last bits of life slipped from his grasp. He did not want to die. He did not want to die here. He did not want to die there. He did not want to die, but especially not here.

Techno at least seemed appeased by this, and he smiled at Tommy.

"I'm going to go get Kristin to check your wounds, do you want me to wait outside or come back with her?" Techno asked, and Tommy hesitated, not knowing what to answer. Wether to appease Techno, or be honest.

"I don't mind," Tommy lied and Techno seemed to understand what that meant. He left and Kristin arrived alone. She checked his injuries, approved of his careful bandaging, and encouraged him to return again tomorrow. He didn't know if he would. Maybe...
Probably not.

Kristin released him, and Tommy joined Techno. The two returned to the group, and Tommy wouldn't admit it, but he was grateful for the numbers outweighing Techno. Not that they'd side with Tommy, but maybe they'd convince Techno not to hurt him. Maybe.

Words: 1500

A/N: posted my first TikTok as a (still faceless) human and not a block character today... well I still had a block head, but u know, mostly human- (TikTok: @belicorn123) :]

Also I have so many plans for fics after this, including (but not limited to) a techno origin story in the same universe as this fic 👀

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now