Chapter 171

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Tommy POV:

Over the last two weeks Tommy'a anxiety had skyrocketed and almost vanished at different points, switching constantly between the two. Right now he was having a hard time convincing his lungs to take in air, and soon enough the machines would alert the nurse. He had gotten out of ICU when he'd managed to eat something, which was nice, but the doctors and nurses were still keeping a close eye on him. Today Puffy had told him he was allowed out of the hospital, and that she had a surprise for him in the evening.

He had a day of rehab ahead of him, but at the end he could leave provided he kept an eye on his vitals and had regular check ups with his doctor.

Normally Tommy would have chosen to stay in the hospital until he was absolutely certain he would be ok, but everyone was waiting for him to get out. Techno has been released earlier that week, and Drista before that, and even earlier Finley, with Conner being the first to be discharged.

They had kept coming in, checking on Tommy so often that he knew to some extent they must really care, or really hate him. He wanted so bad for it to be that they cared, but there was a reason his heart rate was abnormally swift and his hands were clenched tightly on the edge of the bed.

What if it wasn't care that had brought them here? What if it was anger, or revenge, or something else? What if they enjoyed seeing his pain and had gotten a taste for it? What if they were waiting excitedly for when they could cause more.

Normally it would be about this point of the anxiety that someone would appear and at least somewhat lesson it. No one did this time. He had his physiotherapy session in a few minutes, and the others weren't supposed to be in the room for that. Something about minimal distractions. Either way, it was up to Tommy to calm himself down. Not anyone else.

Puffy would tell him to breathe. To remember that he wasn't going back tonight anyway, that there was space at the centre place thing for him for a night, and that she wanted him to meet this dog. Something about emotional support? Tommy didn't really know, but he wouldn't say no to a dog.

"Hi Tommy, are you ready for today's session?" A voice asked from the door, and Tommy pulled up his best composed expression and nodded, trying to pull himself together.


Ranboo POV:

Ranboo had toured around the city the previous night, and house after house was lit up with beautiful lights. The people had come together for Tommy. He had done this. That thought glowed in his heart, a small sense of pride not just for accomplishing this, but for getting over his fear of being perceived and going to talk to the reporters anyway. He had thanked everyone profusely when he'd arrived at the hospital this morning. Now he was just here, pacing, waiting uncertainly for something to happen.


Tommy POV:

When he finally finished the physiotherapy session, Puffy was there, waiting for him. She gave him the hug that had become tradition, carefully avoiding the arm that was always extra achy after these sessions.

Then, with one arm wrapped under his, partially holding him up, she led him to the front of the hospital, helping him to a seat and signing her side of the discharge papers.

Once done, she helped Tommy out to her car, and looked over to him, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"So... how do you feel about getting Mc Donald's?"

"Please!" Tommy beamed, relaxing completely into Puffy's company as they drove aimlessly and talked.

It was only when the sun started to set that Tommy noticed it.

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now