Chapter 102

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Sally POV:

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON PHIL!?" Sally screamed, shoving the door to the house open and storming inside. Foolish hadn't let her drive, claiming she wasn't safe because she was angry, and you know what? Yeah, she was fucking angry. Phil had hinted that something was wrong but had refused to tell her what. She needed to know what the hell was going on, why they were in danger, and if everyone was ok. She couldn't lose them. She couldn't.

"Sally, hey calm down, it's ok, I couldn't explain because I didn't want you to be distracted while you were driving, if you give me a minute I can explain," Phil said quickly, moving forward to meet Sally.

"I didn't end up driving anyway, Foolish was too stupidly worried about me to let me!"

"Thank you Foolish," Phil murmured to him, before turning back to Sally, "It's Tommy, he... we think Dream's brother kidnapped him..."

"Shit..." Sally hissed, the anger flooding out all at once pain replacing it, leaving her exhausted and broken, "Is he going to be ok?"

"The police are going to find him, he'll be fine," Phil reassured her, but Sally had no idea how true those words were. Phil was probably just trying to be positive. Who knew how bad this really was.

With the anger now faded, Sally finally took the time to look around. The room wasn't empty, she, Phil and Foolish stood by the front door, but she could see Eret standing near the back of the room, having clearly followed Phil in. Ranboo was tucked behind her, peaking out, seemingly scared but yet also as though he felt somehow guilty for that fear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I don't know, I was just scared and angry... I'm sorry for yelling," Sally murmured. Her apology appeared to be directed at the room, but really it was directed at Ranboo. She knew the kid hated yelling, it wasn't as severe as Conner or Techno, but still. She shouldn't've scare him when he was probably already full of emotions and terrified for Tommy.

"That's ok, I should've explained it to you beforehand," Phil sighed, "The rest are on their way, and hopefully the police will get here soon too, Puffy is on her way but she's about an hour away."

"Ok," Sally nodded, the anger dissipating. This would be ok. It had to be.

"Do you mind if I stay? I want to make sure everyone's ok," Foolish asked, his voice soft and somewhat awkward, clearly unsure if he was allowed to ask that.

"Yes, of course you can, just let your parents know where you are," Phil agreed instantly, with no sign of argument. That didn't surprise Sally, Phil was known for his understanding of people, and Foolish was one of their group, even if he wasn't around as much. Foolish had never met Tommy, but he did care about the kid. He also cared about the group, who were all full of anxiety, so it made sense that he would be here, with them.

Once Foolish had let his parents know where he was, the five of them moved into the living room, each finding a seat on a couch. Sally smiled slightly at the way Ranboo curled up and leaned on Eret. The kid was scared, but he trusted Eret completely. She was glad the two had each other.

"Where's Wilbur?" Sally asked, unsure of wether she wanted to hear the answer, but if Wil was cutting himself off from others, she knew she would be the one of the few who could drag him back out.

"He's upstairs with Techno, they aren't taking it well... I mean none of us are of course, but you know... I've been giving them time alone for now," Phil explained.

"Can I go check on them?"

"Yeah, just... if they ask you to leave, just come back, yeah? I don't know how they are right now."

"I know, I'll be fine," Sally agreed, before heading upstairs. She knew about Techno and what could happen when he was stressed. She was one of the few in the group who really knew. They all vaguely understood, and knew the warning signs, but Wilbur and Techno had explained it more thoroughly to her, Eret and Niki, so that one of them could help Techno somewhat if Wilbur wasn't around. They're knowledge on it was a safety measure more then anything.

She knocked softly on Techno's door, guessing that was where they would be.

"Who's there?" Wilbur called.

"It's me," Sally replied. There was a second of hesitation, in which Sally knew Wilbur was checking with Techno, before he called her in.

"Hey Wil, Techno, are you guys ok? Of course you're not but..." Sally tried, before stopping herself, having no real idea what she was trying to say.

"Yeah, I mean, worried about Tommy, terrified for him to be honest, but I don't know... it's just a lot Sally," Wilbur murmured, seemingly terrified and sad, but not angry. Sally wondered if anger would come later, or if sadness was where he would stay. Wilbur's emotions so often tore him apart and drove him to hide away from others. Sally never knew what to do when he closed himself away from the world, but she always stayed with him until he eventually returned to them.

"It's going to be ok, we'll get him back."

Wilbur didn't make any sound, no sign of agreement nor disagreement. It was simply the silence of not knowing the truth.

The two looked exhausted, and Sally wished she knew how to help. She could tell from the way Techno didn't meet her eyes that he was scared. That fear in Techno, and the slight protectiveness from Wilbur, made sure that Sally knew there was a chance Techno had had an attack recently. It didn't surprise her much, but she still hurt for him. Techno didn't deserve that pain. No one did.

Words: 1000

A/N: I hate the fact that "they had had xyz" makes sense in a sentence, and that there is no replacement for "had had" that I can think of. Its simply annoying and looks wrongggg

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now