Chapter 144

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Tommy Pov:

Tommy ducked and dozed and parried and blacked and rolled and dove around the attacks this Masked One threw at him. He didn't stop moving until Dream called the bout to an end, telling the Masked One Tommy had been fighting to leave. Tommy stood at attention, watching the Masked One's retreating form, before flicking his attention to Dream as the door shut.

"Hmm... Your form could use some work, and you definitely need to improve you strength, but it appears that as awful and weak as you are, at least you are fast. Guess that's one thing 17 couldn't mess up."

Tommy didn't know what he was supposed to say in response to that, so he said nothing, and when Dream appeared uncaring, Tommy breathed out in relief. He had made the right choice.

"Pick up your weapon, let's have a practise fight, just me and you. We'll see how quickly you lose."

Tommy nodded, gripping the handle of his blunted training sword and stepping into position.

Dream did not hold back. Lunge after lunge, attack after attack. Tommy barely had time to make any attacks in between dodging, but he was ready. He would let Dream tire himself out. That was another thing Tommy had, brute stubbornness to survive. Right now what he needed to survive was winning, so he would continue to move, while not going his full speed, letting his stamina last longer. It was his only chance at survival, so he would do this, no matter the damage that might be caused.

Finally, the moment Tommy had been waiting for came. He knew how people like Dream were. They would do as much damage as they could, as fast as they could. When Tommy didn't retaliate with his own attacks, their guard would go down, thinking he couldn't keep up. Thats when Tommy would use his full speed, ducking in and punching, or in this case stabbing, his torturer in the gut.

Dream reeled back in pained surprise, just as Tommy had known he would. This time however, he didn't use this as a chance to escape and call Puffy, knowing that wouldn't work. Instead, Tommy followed through, launching attacks now, faster than Dream had, giving the Masked One no time to block.

The sword was blunt, not actually piercing the skin, but Tommy knew from experience it would still hurt like hell. Dream deserved that much, plus he had actually asked for it. Either way, Tommy stopped, with his sword held against Dream's throat. Not going so far as to seem like he wasn't behaving, but still clearly claiming the victory, and giving this monster a few bruises at the same time. All in all, Tommy considered it quite worthwhile.

"Well, 17 certainly didn't teach you that. Dream chuckled to himself, and as much as Tommy wanted to glower in response, he simply nodded acceptingly, taking the sword away from Dream's neck. Dream had to think Tommy was perfect. Tommy needed to protect Finley.

"It wasn't bad," Dream sighed, "I'll let you go get food, but don't waste time socialising, I want you ready to work quickly. We still have much to do."

Tommy nodded, returning his sword to the weapon rack, and following Dream out of the room and towards the cafeteria.

"Report to 23 when you're done, she'll bring you back to me," Dream instructed, pointing out a Masked One, before turning his back and leaving. This was Tommy's chance. He had to warn Finley.

He grabbed his food quickly, before heading straight to Finley's group. He was almost there when he felt eyes trained on his back. Looking over his shoulder he saw 23, watching him from the side of the room. Of course Dream wouldn't leave Tommy unsupervised. Going to Finley would only increase the risk.

She still needed to know. The girl was not ready for the Blood Fight that Tommy knew was coming her way. So, he continued towards the table, but he didn't stop there, simply brushing past Freddie, and tapping his back in a pattern he desperately hopped Freddie would remember.

Tappp Tap... tap... tappp. Morse code for "Net" the group home they had been at hadn't been too bad except for some of the kids, but if either of them needed help with something quietly, this is what they would do, because they were caught in a "net". Although the real choice for the word was that it was short and unlikely to be noticed by anyone else.

All Tommy could do now was find a seat where Freddie could sit near enough to him without raising alarm, and pray Freddie remembered the code. It was so long ago. The only reason Tommy remembered it was because he continued to use it at other group homes. He taught kids it so that they could communicate their need for help. It was one of the few things that bound him together with others.

Tommy sat down, slowly eating his food, fear filling him when no footsteps followed. After a few minutes, Tommy had given up. There was no way Freddie would remember, and even if he did, why would he help Tommy of all people.

That's when the footsteps came, as Freddie moved seats, sitting in the one behind Tommy.

"What's wrong?" Freddie asked, and Tommy knew Freddie was doing what they always did. Pretending that they weren't talking, so no one would suspect.

"I think they're putting Finley in a Blood Fight, you need to make sure she's ready. She can't die."

"No, no they wouldn't- surely not..."

"Dream told me I would be watching a fight because he wanted me to see Finley die. Either it's a blood match, or the other one is told not to hold back. Please don't let her die. She's just a kid..."

"Thank you Tommy, I'll protect her as much as I can."

"I need to make sure they don't think I know you, I'm sorry about this, I don't mean it," Tommy whispered, finishing the last of his food, before erupting to his feet with a scream, "LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M NOT INTERESTED! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PRICK!"

Freddie swung around to face him, already knowing what to do. Both of them had been in too many foster homes, they were experienced with foster parents who didn't want them to be friends.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Freddie screamed in return, but the slight nod let Tommy know Freddie understood.


Tommy hated the words as he said them. Still, it might keep Freddie safe. That's what mattered. Tommy had gotten 23's attention, but she seemed to feel no need to do anything about it. She wasn't going to seperate them, and Tommy didn't know if she would bother even if they physically fought, so instead he turned and stormed off in her direction.

"I HOPE THE BLOOD GOD KILLS YOU!" Freddie screamed after him, and that almost made Tommy stop in his tracks. The one time Freddie had said something like that had been on Tommy's last night at their shared foster house. He had been warning him that their foster parents were planning to kill him, and that warning was perhaps the only reason Tommy was still alive. So, Dream hadn't been making the Blood God up. He really had returned.

Tommy tried not to show the fear in his face as he lifted his hand up, middle finger raised. Freddie would know that meant he understood. This warning would give Tommy some edge at least. It meant he knew Dream wasn't making this up. The Blood God was coming for him.

Words: 1300


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