Chapter 134

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Foolish POV:

Foolish filtered through his friends, friends who he had grown closer with considering their constant proximity. Puffy had told him recently that his foster parents weren't willing to deal with him if he wasn't going to help out around the house, but since he couldn't leave, he was in temporary care under Phil. He had a few placements waiting, all near here, and as much as he loved his friends, he wasn't ready to have a family. Not when his sister was still out there. He wanted her or no one. So, temporary it would stay.

Once his mind had settled, and he knew everyone had found their place to read the notes Techno left, Foolish retreated from the room. No one in there was alone. They would all be ok. They had each other. It was time for him to step back. He scanned the room again, one last time, before turning to leave, and meeting Phil's concerned eyes.

"There's one for you," Phil explained, pressing the paper into his hands. Foolish was taken aback by the words. He had assumed there wouldn't be any with his name, yet here one was. Maybe he was more connected to this group than he thought.

"Foolish, you might not want to be Techno's family, but you are his friend, and for that, he wrote to you. Don't pull away from these guys, you mean a lot to them."

"Thank you," Foolish murmured, his fingered curling around the paper, trying to work out how to word what he wanted to say, "It's not that I don't want to be your family, it's that I like being your friends, and it wouldn't feel right being someone's brother, but not my sister's brother."

"I know, you don't have to explain if to me Foolish. I'll keep trying to get you in contact with her. Maybe the family will budge long enough for you to at least see her."

"Maybe..." Foolish sighed, knowing it was unlikely. He missed her, but he had also let her leave to have the life she deserved. She was happy. That was what mattered.

Slowly, Foolish stepped back into the room, finding a seat, and carefully opening the seal without ripping it.

Dear Foolish,

I still remember the first race I saw you. Back then I was far too anxious to say anything when you didn't get any cheers from the crowd. I did hate it though. So, when Sally cheered for you, I took what at the time felt like a massive step, and I joined in.

I regret now, that I waited for her. You are amazing. Everyone here cares so much about you. You are one of us, don't let yourself forget that. If I knew this was a safe mission, maybe I wouldn't have the courage to say this, but this mission, this risk, is just like Sally, all those years ago. So, just as I cheered for you then, I promise you now, you have a home here with us. Whenever you need it.

I know you can't be my brother because of how much you miss your sister, and believe me, I understand. I wish I knew how to bring Finley back to you. I wish I did. That girl so clearly means the world to you, and she deserves to know your love. Don't give up on her. Never give up on your sister. She is your sister. Even separated, your love will connect you.

Im sorry I never worked up the courage to properly talk to you about Finley, but I've always been able to see just how much you love her. I'm almost jealous of that pure love, if I didn't know it for myself, I would be.

Find her. If it's the last thing you do. Find her. Find Finley.

- Techno

Foolish wanted to sob. He wanted someone to rip his heart out and make the pain stop. He felt overwhelmingly happy, but at the same time, it hurt so fucking bad.

Techno has always been observant. Had always understood all of it. If he thought that Foolish could reconnect with Finley, then it was possible. It was actually possible.

Words: 700
A/N: not a full chapter, ik, and after so long without updating... I've been rlly sick, and I'm getting better now, but my brain is still insanely foggy, so this is hard lol

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