Chapter 136

460 32 53

TW: mention of death - fears relating to techno

A/N: btw a Ute = a pickup truck or whatever u guys call them idk those cars with the back top half missing so they can have stuff in them mhm

Conner POV:

It clicked in Conner's head all at once when Wilbur screamed Techno's name. Screamed at Techno for leaving. He didn't have to stay to know what was happening. The letters Techno had written, the hug, the pain. All of it lead to one thing. Finding Tommy at any costs.

So, when everyone rushed to Wilbur, Conner slipped out, sneaking past the officers guarding the house. There weee more police there then usual, which only confirmed Conner's fears.

Once he was safely past them all, Conner sprinted to the police station, his instincts yelling him that's where he would find Techno. It only made sense. They would let Dream out, and Techno would confront him. Only, Conner knew from Techno's own admissions just how dangerous Dream was. Techno was distracted, worried, desperate. His mind would be focused on Tommy. He would be easy prey for the cunningness of these monsters.

Conner turned the last corner, before skidding to a stop, his gut wrenching as he saw something he'd never imagined. Techno's lifeless body being dragged into the back seat of a Ute. No. No no no NO! No. Techno was alive. He had to be alive. Conner couldn't lose him. Techno was just unconscious. Yeah. That has to be it.

Numberplate. He needed the number plate.


How the hell would he remember that? Ok ok ok. He needed to remember this. CEP. Uhh. C for Conner... E-Eats... What the hell starts with P? Pants. Pants. Ok. That works. Conner Eats Pants, ok now numbers. 703. 7 and 3 add to 10. Ok. Ok. It's 10=7+0+3 he could remember that. He could do this.

What if they had some way of evading traffic cameras? Conner needed to follow them. He needed to... Damn it. Dream was getting in the car. He didn't have long. Think Conner! THINK!

This was a dumb idea. A very dumb idea, but what else could he do? They needed him. Techno needed him.

Conner didn't question it. He didn't stop to think about the safety. He just ran forward without a sound, unlatching one attatch meant of the Ute's canopy, giving him just enough space to push himself up and over, tumbling into the back of the Ute and pulling the canopy closed over him. Only once the darkness surrounded him, did he breathe.

They wouldn't check here. Surely they wouldn't. They would be too preoccupied with Techno. But what if they did? What if they checked? Then both Techno and Conner himself would be trapped.

Conner pulled out his phone, desperately hoping the one bar of signal would be enough to send Quackity a text. The numberplate. At least they would have a lead then.

Conner: 10-CEP-703
Conner: white Ute, nothing identifying
Conner: they have Techno, I'm hiding

Now all Conner could do was hope. Hope that the message went through. Hope that they didn't check back here. Hope that this was somehow enough to be found.

Words: 500

A/N: yall out here complaining about the number of trackers as if I can't make this more angsty, well I did. I made it more angsty. Suffer.

Love u guys~

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now