Chapter 57

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TW: mentions of abuse

Once everyone knew Tommy wouldn't be alone, they walked with him to his class, not wanting to deal with the crowded hallways.

Eret never once left Tommy's side, and Ranboo was equally attached to Tommy's other side. The rest of the group seemed to form a circle around him, with Techno at the front next to Wilbur, while Niki and Sally were at the back. It didn't slip Tommy's notice the way the two kept checking behind them, nor the way the rest of the group was on edge, as though expecting something to jump out at them, or more accurately, expecting something to jump out at Tommy. The weirdest part was that they were putting themselves in danger protecting him, and they probably knew that considering how on edge they all were.

When they arrived at the class, they stayed in a pretty similar formation, although Techno and Wilbur moved next to Sally and Niki. The eldest there, other then Eret, were all watching the hallways with clear unease, as though expecting danger. Eret on the other hand was next to Tommy, holding his hand and watching him, clearly concerned. The rest of the group folded around them tightly, completely hiding Tommy from view.

He didn't understand why they were doing that. Why did they care? Why were they worried about Dream finding him? It didn't make any sense.

When the bell went, the group stayed put until the teacher arrived. Only when he was there and Techno had talked to him quietly, did they leave Tommy. Mr Watson let Tommy into the class, and seemed just as tense as the others had been.

Slowly students filed in, and with every student who came, Mr. Watson scanned them, looked to Tommy, and then nodded, as though deciding they were each safe. Tommy did not understand what was happening. Not one bit.

When everyone was there, Mr. Watson marked the role and began to teach the lesson. It was achingly hard to concentrate on the dates and names of hundreds of years ago when Tommy knew that at any moment he could be called to the office. As if on cue, the PA crackled. Instantly the class was silent, and Tommy wanted to leap out of his skin and hide, terrified for what this may mean. Maybe it didn't. Maybe it had nothing to do with him. Maybe-

"Could Tommy Innit please come to the office?" The PA instructed, repeating itself twice, before switching off. Tommy sank deeper into his seat as the class looked at him. Terror built and he knew he needed to go but he couldn't. Not if Dream was there.

"Class, please do page 239 of your textbook, questions 1 to 12," Mr. Watson instructed, then in a softer tone, "Tommy come with me."

Wait he was coming with Tommy? Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Techno had talked to him... but... Tommy didn't know. He did do as he was told though, still too terrified to do anything else.


Eret POV:

"Could Tommy Innit please come to the office?"

Within a second of hearing that announcement, Eret was on his feet, halfway to the door.

"Eret? What are you doing?" Mr. Sapnap asked, clearly caught off guard by Eret's sudden movement. After all, Eret rarely did anything suddenly. He was usually careful and contemplative, not sudden.

"I have to go," Eret replied, not looking back as he slipped out of the class and shut the door. As soon as he was out he was sprinting to the office, needing to be there before Tommy. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! How had he messed up so quickly? He had promised Tommy would be safe. If this was whoever Tommy was scared of, Eret had to be there. He couldn't break his promise. He couldn't let Tommy get hurt. He needed to be there first. He needed to be there to protect Tommy.

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now