Chapter 146

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TW: mention of injuries

Drista POV:

Drista couldn't help the slight sense of wrongness in the weight of her wrists as the chains collapsed from them. She had gotten so used to the iron chains dragging them down, that she now felt as though they were both weightless and heavy at the same time.

"Thank you," Drista murmured, rotating her wrists to examine the damage the cuffs had done. Her skin was raw from the tight cuffs, but she would recover, well she would if she ever got the chance to, "Tommy, if they find out I escaped, they'll link it to you, I can't leave."

"It's not me I care about, I need you to get Finley out for me. She's the youngest one, the girl, Dream's planning to kill her because of me, please just get her out."

"But- Dream will kill you if he finds out, which he will if I escape."

"I don't care. Just get Finley and go. Get out of here. Please."


"Please Drista, I need you to take care of her. She's just a kid. Please. She reminds me too much of my brother, I can't let her die. Please. I need you both to get out. Get out and find Puffy Captain, she's my social worker she'll listen to you. Get her to come back for me, but promise me you will look after Finley and you will never come back here."

Drista couldn't. She couldn't leave him, but she couldn't stay either. Staying wouldn't fix anything, and trying to get Tommy out would never work, not until The Masked Ones had some level of belief they could control him. Right now they watched Tommy's every move.

"Ok, but promise me you won't die," Drista whispered, and Tommy nodded. She knew he had no control over that, but at least this meant he would try.

"I have to go but-" Tommy started, but Drista couldn't let him finished, he needed to know this one thing. He needed to know why Dream took out so much rage on him. He needed to know why she cared. He needed to know that she would do anything for him.

"Tommy wait! Wait please... I need to tell you something..."

Tommy, as usual didn't question it, simply nodding at the words.

"I think- I think I'm your sister... I think we are triplets..."

"What!?" Tommy asked, the question so desperate, but before she could answer, before she could explain, the doors were opened and the Masked Ones had dragged him away, snapping about time being up.

Tommy's eyes were desperate as he looked back at Drista, confusion and pain and even some anger flashing across his startled face.

Drista wanted to call out to him, wanted to explain, to tell him it was ok, to tell him what little she knew about her past, but Tommy was gone long before she could, and Drista was left alone in the room, pretending her cuffs were still attached to her wrists.

Words: 500


They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now