Chapter 121

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Tommy recognised his mistake all too quickly, but he didn't have time to worry about how his scream might have caught The Masked Ones attention. Not when there was a burnt hole in the middle of his arm. No. No he couldn't deal with that. It was too much. Too big. Too horrific. Tommy had many scars, many injuries, but this, this was too much. He could never hide this. He would never recover from this. He would be weak, he would lose and he would die. All because of one mistake. One flaming sword and one cruel fight.

Tommy stared at his arm, terrified at what this could mean. He had to know... He had to know one thing. With a hiss of agony, Tommy flexed his elbow. The pain was increased a thousand times over, but it moved. His arm moved. It was still there, still connected, still moving, still his. As broken and mutilated as it was, it worked. It worked. He could survive. He had to survive.

If Tommy could do nothing else, he would survive. He'd survive for Tubbo. He'd survive long enough for Puffy to find him. He had to, and so he would.

With a ragged groan, Tommy relaxed his arm back, leaving it be. His face was coated with sweat, and he didn't know if that was from the fight, the injury or the panic. Probably a combination of all 3. For now he didn't intend to focus too much on that. What he needed was sleep, and a lot of it.

Unfortunately, Tommy's willpower alone was not enough to bring sleep upon him. Even more unfortunately, he could hear footsteps approaching. It seemed Tommy's desperate need for no one to hear his scream hadn't stopped anyone doing just that. No, they were on their way, most likely bringing their own kind of cruel punishment with them.

Tommy didn't try to get up, he already knew he couldn't. There was too much pain for any attempt to succeed. He was stuck here waiting for the punishment. There was nothing he could do. Nothing that would stop what was about to happen.

As the door to his cell opened, Tommy closed his eyes. He did not want to see what was to come.

"Well well well, look who decided to wake up," A painfully recognisable voice sneered, sounding all too healthy.

"You're... supposed... to be... dead," Tommy snarled, the words coming out haltingly through his rasping breath, but the meaning was clear enough. He had killed 17, so why the hell was that monster still around!?

"I admit, you did a number on me Theseus, but no, you can't kill me."

Monster. Monster. There was a monster in this room. A monster who had killed Tubbo. A monster who had dragged his brother from Tommy, shoving him out of this life without giving Tommy a chance to save him. Monster. Murderer. Destroyer. Dead. He should be dead. Why the hell wasn't he dead!?

Words: 500

A/N: to those who didn't already know, I made a oneshot of this fic, alternate reality where events were ever so slightly different, go check it out :D to those who have seen it, let me know your thoughts! Shuld I do more? Do u have any scenes u want to see?

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now