Chapter 150

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TW: mentions of blood, revenge, fighting, death etc. (just the usual lol)

Tommy POV:

Tommy wanted to do something, anything to save Finley, but what was there left to do? Maybe he could warn her from the sidelines. Maybe he could try that. Maybe they would let him yell. Even if they didn't let him, he refused to hold back today. He was here for Finley no matter what.

Finley survived this. Not him. Finley survived. No matter how dangerous, Tommy would save her. Tubbo wouldn't be upset with a death like that. As long as Finley lived.


Techno POV:

Techno didn't fight as he was pushed , prodded and poked towards the room in which he knew would hold the weapons he could chose from. All sharp, deadly, dangerous. And likely, his weapon 'Orphan Obliterator' would be front and center, his to claim, his to use.

Only the room he was pushed into wasn't that one from his memories, it was another one entirely. It was the one he had not been permitted to enter since he had arrived. The cafeteria. Full of people- no, they were children- all watching him. The known newcomer. It was evident that they all knew exactly who he was, ceremonial outfit and all.

There were a few faces Techno recognised. These, who had been the youngest when Techno escaped, now the oldest there. Techno himself was an outlier, the only one his age to have survived this long. Most of those his age would have likely died in the transition to this new location, just as many before them had died in the last move. The rest were probably long dead from the battles and blood shed Techno himself had nearly died doing many times.

Techno scanned the room, searching for someone, anyone, that he might know. If not Tommy, maybe Arson, he had been one of the best, and always begged Techno to train him, which of course, Techno had refused, knowing danger of friends. Friends here died. That's what happened. No one got to have friends, or anything else that might make them happy.

There was nothing here but pain, anger and blood. So much blood. All the time. Techno's blood, his enemies blood, even the Masked Ones' blood a few times. But never, ever, did friend's survive. they were targeted and killed, anger being nourished and heightened. It was never the Masked Ones' fault. Always another kid. Another one who you would finally be desperate to kill. Revenge. It was all about revenge.

In the midst of all the faces staring at him, one group in particular seemed furious. Likely they were the Death Stars or Demi-Blood-Gods as they had begun to rename to when Techno had been here, painfully worshiped and hated at the same time. Only that description of anger and fury and murder and excitement did not fit the group, made of mostly younger kids with fewer scars on their knuckles, and more sadness and pain in their eyes.

Before Techno could work out how to describe them, how to fit them into the system he had left behind years ago, one stepped forward, previously obscured. Tommy!? No... Techno had to have been too hopeful there. The kid was the right age, sure, but his hair was brown, not blond, and his face was twisted in rage, an expression that Techno could not imagine on Tommy's face.

"If you kill her, I will have your fucking head, ethics be FUCKING DAMNED!" The boy screamed, attempting to rush forwards, only to be held back by his group. Oh... Techno recognised this scene all too well, remembering it from the boy's fury filled point of view. Remembered the way he too had been held back the boy's death. Carl. Innocent little Carl. Techno's only real friend amongst the survivors. Murdered by another fighter.

What Techno was witnessing now was the same transition that he, himself, had completed in his first year at this place. From Survivor to Maniac. The fury claiming him as a killer. A murderer. The revenge taking over him, claiming him. He was too old to stay in the survivors much longer. The pure stubbornness would be driving the Masked Ones mad. They wanted this boy to become another killer. Another Blood God. Just like Techno had.

The boy was trying to protect someone, and Techno knew there was nothing he could do. Nothing Techno could do as the Masked One stepped in, snarling at this 'Badlinu' kid. Attacking him. Punishing him. Pushing him into line. Nothing Techno could do except hope that somehow Puffy would find this place before that kid became his own worst nightmare.

Once the room settled again, Dream spoke, his sharp voice snapping through the murmures of the crowd, silencing them fully.

"Welcome now, into your midst, my great creation, the man you all strive to be, The Blood God!"

The reactions were mixed, some awed, some confused, some angry, some impressed, some unsurprised. Them survivors however, just seemed sad. It appeared that the "her" Badlinu was talking about was well liked, and quite possibly his opponent today.

"Now, who wants to volunteer to fight The Blood God today? It'll be a fight worth remembering."

A few hands shot up enthusiastically, namely Badlinu's who's hand immediately got shoved down, his rage far too valuable to waste it on a losing fight. Others looked to the edges, presumably seeking out their trainers, to get an answer, and then shakily putting their hand up, hoping that whatever Techno dealt to them wouldn't be as bad as what their Masked One would do to them if they disobeyed.

One by one, names were called out, connected to children from each group. Each group except the survivors. Apparently that one had already been chosen. Of the 5 selected, 2 had been eager, one maniac and one Demi-Blood-God, and 3 had been terrified, two of which were Loners, and another was a Demi-Blood-God, who clearly actually knew what Techno was capable of.

Techno scanned his opponents, taking in their names, builds, and scars, trying to work out their strengths and weaknesses. He had to win this. For Tommy.


Thank you to @opheliaheh_for typing this up when i was too lazy and sleepy to transfer it from paper to wattpad (I did add stuff cuz it wasn't enough words, so even she has something new to look forward to heheheh)

I hope ur enjoying the angst! Happy(or well angsty I suppose) CHAPTER 150!!! LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!!! We've gotten so far, thank you all so much for sticking with me, it's nearly been a year since I first uploaded, isn't that crazy!? You guys are the best readers i could ever ask for, and you keep me so motivated to write, so thank you all so much, and go have a cupcake or something to celebrate chapter 150 :]

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now