Chapter 163

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Tommy POV:

Tommy was running, terror piercing through his heart, eyes wide. He was supposed to be safe. Supposed to be safe. He had been looking at Christmas lights with Puffy. They had been talking and then... And then everything went wrong. Now Tommy was running, sprinting, desperate to get away.

Danger. Danger. Danger.

They were coming for him. They were all coming for him. Bloodthirsty. Angry. Fuming. Deadly. Every single one. All with sharp weapons. No wooden drill tools. Real sharp steel.

Tommy was dead. Tommy was so fucking dead. Even as he ran he could hear the loudest footsteps getting louder and louder, closer and closer, rythmic and fast and so deadly. Tommy was slowing, his breathing ragged? Unable to keep up the pace as he fell. He stared up, terror filled, at the red inhuman eyes staring down at him through the blood splattered skull mask, the pink hair framing the skull 

Deadly. Deadly. Deadly.

Tommy was sorry. He was sorry because he had failed Tubbo. He had said he would live and now he knew he wouldn't. He saw the blade lift, then swing, the cold blade slicing into his wrist, moving to cut his body in half.

Tommy let out a piercing scream, clenching his eyes closed, waiting for the adrenaline to wear off and leave him with the pain.

"TOMMY!" The Blood God's voice rang out, loud, and close. Too close. Far too close.

Still, as Tommy screamed, he realised the sword hadn't cut him in half, still able to feel his legs, he kicked them up, pushing against- air? The Blood God must've moved. Tommy's eyes opened to bright piercing lights as he sat up, ignoring the way his head reeled from the sudden movement. Blood loss did that. He would be fine. But only if he ran.

So, Tommy ran, trying to block out the screams from voices he didn't recognise, and one he did. The Blood God was after him. The Blood God wanted him dead.

Dead. Dead. Dead. Tommy was so fucking dead.

Arms gripped around him, multiple voices telling him to calm down, and a sharp pain went into his arm.

Tommy screamed, and went to fight back at the attack, but as he did, his arm seemed yo weigh a thousand times more and his movements were slow as his knees face out beneath him, arms catching him, holding him up.


Techno POV:

The first time that Techno had been permitted out of his room he went to visit Tommy. He shouldn't have done that. He should've been more thoughtful.

Tommy's heart rate had spiked suddenly, and then when the nurse had checked his other vitals he had just... bolted. He hadn't even stopped when his TPN line had snapped off, which likely hurt like hell. Techno wanted to run after him, but the earlier instructions that he was not allowed to leave the wheelchair he was in kept him waiting anxiously in the room.

Finally, they returned, holding an unconscious Tommy, and returning him to the bed.

Techno and Phil were both ushered back to their room, where Techno asked the nurse about what happened.

"Considering everything he went through, likely it was a nightmare and a panic attack, but I can't say for sure because I wasn't there, so don't take my word as ultimate truth," the nurse explained as she helped Techno back into the hospital bed, checking the burns on his neck, hands, the two worse injuries, "You're healing well."

"Did I cause it?" Techno asked quietly, ignoring the nurse's statement about his burns. He didn't care about that. The nurse hesitated for a second. That was all Techno needed to know.

"It's unlikely, but not impossible, sometimes a voice can be registered in someone's subconscious, it's why we ask the families of coma patients to talk to them. However we really don't know if that was what caused it, and even if it was, we can't tell if you were a positive or negative trigger. So, don't blame yourself."

Techno blamed himself. Of course he did, but Phil was looking at him all worriedly and Techno knew not to press it. So, he moved onto the question he'd been about to ask when Tommy's heart rate had spiked.

"Why does he still have a hole in his arm?"

"The sword cut through his humerus, that's the bone in the forearm. Had we been there when it happened we could have done a lot more. Now, because of how it was treated and healed back there, it was much better for him to have a hole in his arm rather then have us stitch it together, which would be difficult and unhealthy. Over time the wound will heal, but the hole will likely be a part of him forever."

"Shit," Techno mumbled to himself, knowing what it was like to have scars that you could never hide. And Tommy had been the talk of many news stations. Basically the kid's story was everywhere. There was no way that the injury wouldn't find its way onto the News when they made some small mistake. They had worked hard to keep the cameras away, but there was only so much one could do when they had all been a part of the major discovery that was the arena.

Apparently Ranboo had used that to some level of advantage, but still, there was no real advantage here.

Techno hated how the media had ignored his pleas for help when he had first escaped, but now they all flocked to it because it wasn't a taboo topic. It wasn't "fear mongering" it was something they could believe.

Phil hated watching the News, and from what Techno could work out, that had something to do with finding painful information out through the news and not the people he knew.

So, Techno didn't watch the News, and he just hoped he and Tommy and Finley and all the others weren't on it too much.

Words: 1000

A/N: ooooh another nightmare chapter 👀

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now