Chapter 74

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TW: mentions of abuse

Phil moved to get paper and a pen, before turning back to Tommy.

"I haven't read your file, and I won't read it unless you say I can, so all I know is what Dream told me and Puffy confirmed, which is that you've had a far too many awful houses in the past. I can promise you this won't be one of those, but I understand if you don't trust me yet," Phil explained and he was right, Tommy didn't trust him. He doubted he ever would. If it was true though, and Phil didn't look at his file, he wouldn't know about Tubbo, or well not more then what Techno may have told him, that felt safer. So, he nodded and Phil continued, "Since I haven't read your file, I need to check for things like medical issues, allergies, foods you don't like in general, favourite foods, and just stuff you like. I want you to feel safe here. I want this to feel like your home."

Tommy stared at Phil, trying to gage his intent. People often used allergies with kids to abuse them, so it was the one thing Tommy had gotten lucky with not having. Still, it was a dangerous sign that Phil was asking. If he was planning that, this could be one of the worse houses.

"I don't have any allergies. I'll eat whatever you give me," Tommy said, the words tried and tested to be the safest option. It usually appeased foster parents, it was the best thing Tommy had found so far, imperfect but ok.

"Alright, favourite food then?" Phil asked and Tommy hesitated. The only food he reliably liked was the chicken nuggets Puffy often got him between houses. He guessed that meant it was his favourite? He had liked Niki's cooking though. Still, chicken nuggets was probably the favourite. Plus he wouldn't be devastated if he didn't get them, he hardly expected he would.

"Chicken nuggets," Tommy said, his voice quiet, unsure of his own words.

"Oh cool, they're my second favourite," Wilbur grinned happily, "Burgers are slightly better."

Tommy gave him an awkward smile, hoping that was what he was supposed to do. He really didn't understand what was expected here. They acted weirdly, relaxed almost. He didn't recognise it, nor did he trust it.

"Is there anything else I should know?" Phil asked, and Tommy shrugged, shoving down the words problem child that were spinning around his head. He shouldn't mention it. Or should he? Phil had a right to know what he had signed up for, but if he knew, Tommy was in much more danger. No. It wasn't worth it. Phil would find out soon enough anyway.

"I- I don't think so," Tommy replied, his voice quiet as always, terrified and awaiting punishment. He didn't know what he had done wrong, but he felt like he had. He wished he knew what was happening. He hated this.

"Do you two want to head back upstairs? Wil you can help Tommy get acquainted with his room. I'll get McDonald's for us for lunch in a bit, Tommy do you want anything with your chicken nuggets?"

"Uh, no, that's ok," Tommy replied hesitantly. He didn't even know if he could eat nuggets. He had already had food this morning, far more then what he was used to in a whole day, and they were now giving him more? That was just wrong.

"You know my order yeah?" Wilbur called to Phil as he moved to leave.

"Yup, quarter pounder meal with sprite," Phil beamed after him, "Check if Techno wants anything."

Even as Phil spoke, Wilbur walked out of the room, leaving with a thumbs up over his head to let Phil know he had heard. Tommy stared at Wilbur's departing back in stunned confusion, then back at Phil who miraculously didn't seem mad.

"You can go if you want, you don't have to though, it's up to you," Phil said, his voice gentle. Tommy stared at him for a moment, trying to gage the correct thing to do, before murmuring a quiet 'goodbye' and following Wilbur. He was pretty sure that was what he was supposed to do. As he stepped onto the stairs, Wilbur appeared at the top once more. He dashed down the stairs, leaving Tommy only just able to move out of his way to avoid being run over.

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