Chapter 162

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Tw: mentions of anxiety and dissociation

A/N: disclaimer: j have never dissociated personally, so I can't be 100% sure if what happens, please let me know if you notice any misinformation <3

Ranboo POV:

Once the sudden results of Tommy waking up had died down somewhat, Ranboo was able to find Amy, the nurse, and ask her a question that had been bugging him.

"Amy... when will Tommy be out of the hospital?"

The nurse looked at him for a solid second, clearly debating how to word it, before answering.

"Likely not for another two weeks at least, and it depends entirely on how he heals," The nurse replied, leaving Ranboo reeling from the words, which she seemed to notice, "he's ok, we just need to monitor his recovery and make sure he's getting the nutrients necessary while he can't eat."

Ranboo had known Tommy would be ok, Amy had said it before, and he knew she didn't say things that she didn't know. The problem was the timeline. It was already January, and most Christmas lights were getting taken down. In two weeks there would be none left. Tommy wouldn't get to see them. It was something Tommy knew he liked, and Ranboo could tell that was something special for the boy with no preferences. He should get to see them.

The question remained, how could Ranboo convince people to keep their lights up?

Then it clicked. He just had to do one thing he had been told not to do for his own sake. But he could do it. He could. He just had to go outside. They would all be waiting there.

With deep breaths, Ranboo prepared himself, planning what to say and hoping he would be composed enough for this. Then he slipped quietly through the hospital hallways, finding his way to the entrance. As expected there were quite a few journalists- although not as many as when they first arrived. Still, it would have to do.

He took one last deep breath and stepped outside, walking towards the journalists who had been asked to remain off of the hospital grounds.

"Are you one of the kids involved in the current investigation?" One asked while frantically setting up her camera.

"Yes. I'm friends with Tommy, the boy who was recently kidnapped and taken to that place. I would like to speak to the people of the city, and ask a favour of them for Tommy, if... if that would be ok?" Ranboo's voice fluctuated between high confidence to exeedingly low confidence, but he insisted he would do this.

"Yes, yes, please, we are all desperate to help out in any way that we can," another journalist insisted, speaking into the camera, before directing his gaze to Ranboo.

"Tommy woke up today, for the first time since he was found. The first thing he wanted to know was if he had missed the Christmas lights. I know it's such a small thing in this massive situation, but I was wondering, hoping, that maybe you would all be able to leave your lights up until he is able to see them? He will be out of the hospital in maybe two weeks, and by then most would be gone..." Ranboo explained, his gaze anxiously flicking between the different journalist, who were all nodding encouragingly at him.

"Well I will certainly make sure my lights stay up so the boy can see them. It's only far that he gets to experience a belated Christmas after all he has been through."

"Do you know what makes the lights so special?" Another journalist asked after saying a similar thing to their own camera.

"I know that it's something Tommy loves, and that's rare for him. He hasn't been able to choose favourite foods or colours, but he knows he likes Christmas lights. They remind him of good memories and safety, and I believe that we should be trying to help him feel that more often."

Ranboo continued to talk to the journalist even after the anxiety grew, and it was only when Eret quietly pulled him away, helping him finish up, that he realised just how overwhelmed he had gotten.

"Hey kid," Eret sighed softly, hands resting on Ranboo's shaking shoulders, "you could have asked me to help you."

"You said not to but I couldn't just..."

"I know, and you did perfectly. I just worry about you, that's all," Eret murmured, pulling him into a gentle hug. Ranboo sagged into it, relishing in the comfort. All eyes were off him now, journalists talking to the cameras, and no one sparring a second glance towards the two in the corner, one shaking and the other holding him up.

Ranboo couldn't help but feel the immense amount of relief that came. No one was looking at him anymore. He had done his job. He had gotten the word out. His part was over. Now he just had to rely on the people to make this work. Tommy deserved this.

"Can we get him some Christmas lights?" Ranboo asked, their voice soft and nervous, anxiety still filling them, but also knowing they were safe. Safe because Eret was there.

"Yeah, yeah I think we can," Eret murmured, leading Ranboo back inside.

Ranboo followed his friend without much thought, numbly trailing after him. Physically he was there, but honestly he felt like he was detached from it all, barely controlling his body as it moved beneath him. He was tired. So, so, tired and only now had his mind stilled. Only now had the stressed, loud, constant worries finally dwindled. Now he could rest his mind. Now he could rest...

Ranboo looked around in confusion, taking in the walls that had changed from white empty hospital walls into walls covered in boxes of Christmas lights. He could've sworn that a second ago he had been in the hospital vaguely aware of Eret and Phil talking. Now where was he?

"Welcome back Ranboo," Eret said, smiling softly and stepping into the kid's field of view, "You dissociated."

Oh. Only Eret would notice the change so quickly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Never apologise for it kid," Eret replied instantly.

Words: 1000

A/N: I personally haven't dissociated, so I'm writing this entirely based off what I know, and I don't fully know it really, so please feel free to give me some advice if it id something you have experienced, and definitely let me know if I said something wrong, I don't want to spread misinformation, thank you!

Also, as always, reminder that it is always platonic, please don't read this as anything else.

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now