Chapter 86

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TW: Discussion of suicide and panic

The ride back to the house was a mix of quiet moments and Wilbur awkwardly trying to start conversations. He offered to help Tommy set up the new phone, which Tommy definitely would need, plus that way if Wilbur wanted it, he could take it without hurting Tommy.

When they got back to the house relief filled Tommy because finally that sensation of being watched started to fade. He knew it wasn't real, but that didn't mean fear wasn't still aching through every part of him. He wasn't safer inside the house, they'd have plenty of chances to hurt him without other people seeing, but at least that stupid feeling had faded.

Tommy gave Wilbur the new phone, and took the clothes, sheets and spider plush up to Wilbur's room, like he was told to. Once the bag of stuff was inside the room, he started to head back downstairs, only to catch a glimpse of something Tommy had hoped desperately never to see again. It had been the only thing he allowed himself to hope for. He stood, frozen outside the open door to the bathroom, staring inside at Techno's slumped and unmoving form. No. No. No this wasn't real. It as a cruel dream. It was an illusion. It was a lie. It had to be. There was no way. Techno wasn't like Tubbo. He wasn't. 

Even as Tommy thought the words, his mind filled with every moment he'd been comforted by how similar Techno was to Tubbo. There was no way that was what it was though. There was no way what had comforted him was actually signs of what was to come. Techno had seemed good. He'd seemed happy. It wasn't perfect, but Tommy had been sure Techno was ok. He would've known. He would've known... but he hadn't known when it was Tubbo. He hadn't known and he'd been too late. 

There was only one thing Tommy knew to do. He had to see if Techno's body was as cold as Tubbo's had been. If it was then this was real, otherwise he was fine. Slowly, quietly, Tommy crept forward, terror filling every part of him. Even if he didn't trust Techno, he was Wilbur's brother, and Wilbur did not deserve to know the pain Tommy had known for years. He didn't deserve the heartache of being left behind like that. No one did.

His hand shook as he slowly reached towards Techno. He knew this was dangerous, but he had to know. His hand brushed against Techno's warm arm, and at the same second Techno's head shot up, fury clear in his eyes, even as his entire body pulled away from Tommy, in a way Tommy only recognised from himself. Techno thought Tommy was a danger. Tommy knew Techno was scared but he also saw the fury in Techno's eyes. Tommy shrunk back, trying desperately to get away.

"I'm sorry, I-" Tommy started, but Techno lunged forward, hands curled into fists. A moment before he hit Tommy, Techno flung his body back and away, shaking as he curled in on himself, facing away from Tommy.

"Get out," Techno snarled, his voice shaky, but filled with rage. Tommy stared at him, frozen in place, terror building. Techno's head whipped around, even as his entire body was curled in and facing away from Tommy, the rage in Techno's eyes caused Tommy to take a terrified step back, then another when Techno screamed at him, "I SAID GET OUT!"

"I- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- I'm sorry- please- please- I didn't- I-" Tommy whimpered, stumbling over his own words. Terror gripped at his heart as he tried to force his legs to move, to run, to get out and never come back, but some force was keeping him there, frozen in place. He didn't know if it was the fear in Techno's eyes, the rage in those same eyes, or the fact that Techno had so nearly hurt him, only to flinch away from his own punch. Something wasn't right here.

"Tommy, please," Techno said, his voice shaky, but this one just sounded desperate and terrified, there was no anger in that broken voice, only pain.

"Techno, please, please don't do it," Tommy whispered, he needed to make sure Techno didn't die here. He needed to keep Techno alive because he didn't want Wilbur to go through the same thing Tommy had all those years ago with Tubbo.

"GET OUT!" Techno screamed, and this time the rage was back, mixing into the terror. Tommy watched, matching terror filling his own heart as Techno stood up slowly, before turning on Tommy, "Why cant you just do one thing you're told!? I said GET OUT!"

Tommy's legs buckled as Techno towered over him, looking down at Tommy fury filling his eyes. Tommy stared up at Techno, who had now cornered him, blocking any exit. Techno stared down at Tommy, seeming to have a battle with himself, the fury and the terror fighting as though they were two seperate yet intertwined parts.

"Techno!" Wilbur's voice came from the door, "Techno please, I know you're in there, I need you to fight it, they aren't real."

Techno shrunk away from Tommy, his hands going up to his ears as though trying to block out noise that Tommy couldn't hear. Techno was shaking, his hands pressed hard against his ears, looking almost desperate.

"Tommy, I need you to come here," Wilbur said, his voice low, fear trickling into it, but there was no anger, simply fear, and with that, Tommy's legs finally permitted him to move and he ran towards Wilbur, who quickly pulled Tommy behind him, "Go to your room and shut the door, I'll come get you soon."

Tommy heard the fear in Wilbur's voice, and he didn't argue, terror gripping at his own heart as he rushed to the room, shutting his door behind it, and leaning against it, holding the door closed with all his strength. He had no clue what was going on, but whatever it was, it terrified him.

Words: 1000

A/N: Thoughts? Ideas? Fears?

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now