Chapter 119

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Tommy was ripped away from Arson and all he could do was scream. He needed to fix this! He needed to bring him back! He needed to save Arson! He needed to!

Tommy tried to drop the flail, desperate to get away from it, to escape the brutal truth behind what he had done but the Masked One on his left made sure he couldn't. Tommy looked around, desperate for some kind of escape. He had to get away. He had to fix this but there was nothing. No way to escape the monster he was. No way to change what he had done.

"I present the winner, THESEUS! CHAMPION OF THE BLOOD DUEL!"

The words echoed torturously around Tommy's head and he wanted to curl up and disappear. He wanted to take back everything he had done. He wanted to trade spots with Arson. He had won but he didn't want to think about what that meant. He didn't want to think about Arson's glazed eyes staring up at him, the shock still visible, even though there was nothing left of any emotion. Nothing left of him except his body. Eternally stunned at his demise. Eternally dead. Because of Tommy. All because of Tommy.

If Tubbo was here Tubbo would've found a way for them to both survive. Tubbo would've died rather then kill. Tubbo would've kept the other alive because Tubbo wasn't a monster. But Tommy was. Tommy was a monster, a murderer, a thing of nightmares. Tommy was what he had sworn he would never be.

He felt his arms being pulled up on either sides, the Masked Ones next to him claiming the victory for him. He wanted to scream and fight but all he could right now feel was pain. All his energy was dedicated to keeping himself from slumping to the ground.

When the Masked Ones pulled him out of the arena, Tommy tried to hide his stumble. When they sat him on a chair and chained his wrists to it, taking away the flail, Tommy let his body slump. He did everything he could to shut out the agony. Everything he could to keep his body from screaming out.

"17 said he had told you to act and make the audience believe you weren't as good as you are, but I didn't think you would take it that far," A voice sneered, cutting through Tommy's ragged, desperate panting, "Making that kid's death look like an accident? Very talented. Loosing your weapon and 'accidentally' stumbling across it. Pretty smart all things considered. A lot of money changed hands today, and I can bet that will be a running trend with your fights. Don't disappoint me Theseus."

Tommy didn't have to look up to know the voice belonged to the Masked One who had lead him here, so he didn't. His eyes remained slitted, barely open. His breaths came out ragged and hard. His voice, if he felt like using it, would be dry and hoarse.

Footsteps retreated from the room, and Tommy knew the Blood Mask had left.

Tommy didn't recognise the next person who entered, but through the dissociation and exhaustion, all Tommy could gather was that whoever it was had to be a torturer. They touched his agonising arm, even touching the inside of what Tommy knew must be a hole in his arm.

Tommy didn't fight back. He didn't have the energy to even move a muscle, and his mind felt as though it were some place else, only connected to his body via pain, not a real connection. Not control. There was no control. Pain was all there was. Pain. Agony. Grief. Guilt. Anger. More pain. More pain. MORE PAIN! What the hell were they doing!?!?!?

Finally they released his arm, letting the pain fester, still severe but no longer getting toyed with. No longer being pulled and pressed and whatever the hell the person had been doing.

He heard a voice faintly, but couldn't make out the words, groggily, Tommy tried to open his eyes and see the person who had caused this much pain, but they seemed to be virtually glued to this squinted position. Most likely from the pain.

"... Theseus... are... need... take... can you..."

Tommy heard snippets of the words over the blood rushing in his ears, but there was no way he would be able to decipher it. So he didn't even try.

He felt a cold pressure against his forehead, which caused his face to register the flaming agony of the burns covering it. If he could've, Tommy would've screamed, but when he opened his mouth, no sound came out.

After a second, he gave up, but as he went to shut his mouth again, a hand gently rested on his mouth, dropping something inside, before sloshing some water in. Tommy chocked, coughing, trying to get whatever it was out. He couldn't die. He couldn't die. He couldn't die.

The hand covered his mouth, stopping him from coughing it up, and Tommy made out the words "Swallow" and "Trust"

Tommy knew he didn't have a choice. There was no way he could spit it out, and so he swallowed, giving into whatever cursed thing they had given him. He had no choice here.

Once the person was content that Tommy had swallowed it, they walked away, leaving Tommy alone with his thoughts. That idea didn't last long as Tommy gave into the darkness that had been creeping around the edges of his vision, finally letting his eyes fully close.

Tommy, in the delirium of being so close to unconsciousness, wondered if he would ever wake up. He didn't have the energy to fight to stay awake though, so he just had to deal with whatever fate had in plan for him. If fate was kind maybe he'd wake up in a hospital room with Puffy next to him. Even in this state of oblivion that came with exhaustion he knew the chances were slim.

Words: 1000


Hey guys, I'm rlly sorry, but I won't be posting anything for the next two weeks, so that I can dedicate this time to focusing on my novel and really improving it. Unfortunately my brain does not cope with writing two stories at once, so these two weeks are going to be novel only.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me as I write this, I love seeing all of your comments and ideas and compliments, it means so much to me that you care, and I promise you, I am not leaving forever. It's just a short break then I will be back here and ready to continue this story!

I'm looking forward to returning to you all, and feel free to take this time as a chance to comment questions about me, the fic and my book (or anything else)! I will still be checking comments and will be happy to reply (no spoilers for the fic tho heheh)

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