Chapter 154

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Conner POV:

Conner had hidden in the bushes, panic screaming in him. He had not made it this far just to be seen by different people in different masks.

He watched and he waited, exhaustion filling him, but he was so close. So, so, close. When they left, and were far enough that Conner would be out of view, he ran forward, shoving his way desperately into the gas station.

"Please- please, can I use your phone," Conner begged, crumpling to the floor in front of the woman at the counter.

"Are you ok? You look like you've been through the wars, are you-"

"Please, please I need to call my friends, please I'm begging you," Conner pleaded, needing there to be signal. Needing there to be a way to tell the others where he was, and more importantly, where Techno was.

"Yes, yes of course, here," the woman said, confused, but still giving him her phone.

Instantly Conner dialled Quackity's number, knowing it off by heart.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," Conner whispered into the phone, and as though Quackity could hear him already, the call was answered, and Quackity's familiar voice came through.

"Hi, Quackity here, who's this?"

"Quackity-" Conner sobbed, the relief at hearing his voice overwhelming him.

"CONNER!? Shit! Conner are you ok!?" Quackity asked- or yelled- into the phone, "That was stupid Conner! Why did you leave!?"

"I know where Techno is," Conner said, ignoring Quackity's questions. First techno, then Quackity could deal with this later.

"Shit, ok- PHIL!! Ok, ok, where are you Conner?"

"Where am I?" Conner asked, directing the question at the woman, still standing in shock, staring at him.

"Uh- ////////*insert dsmp related place here////"

Conner repeated what she said, and listened as Quackity told someone, presumably Phil.

"Phil's calling Fallaron, the police officer, the police will be there soon, ok? You need to stay put, don't go anywhere.

"Techno is- the direction the sun sets, from here, I followed the road, please, they need to find him."

"We will Conner, I promise. Now, are you ok?"

Conner curled up into a ball and slowly started to talk to Quackity, who gave him updated on what was happening, where the police were, and things like that.

Conner wanted to cry with relief when he heard police sirens. Maybe they would be ok. Maybe.

"Conner?" A police officer- Fallaron asked, and Conner nodded, which seemed to relax the man somewhat, "let's get you home."

"No! No we have to find Techno, I know where they took him please, please let me help, I can help."

"Alright, you show us the way, ok? But then you stay in the car. I don't want you to get hurt."

That seemed fair. Conner could do that. Conner could let them do the dangerous stuff. As long as they did it. As long as they got Techno, and maybe- hopefully- Tommy too. Maybe then they could fond Tommy. Maybe everything would be ok. He had to hope.

500 words.

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