Chapter 61

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TW: mention of injuries, blood, paramedics, police

Wilbur POV:

The room was tense, everyone nervous to speak, either confused about the situation, terrified or a mix of both. Fundy was still in the corner, keeping the youngest back, watching Dream carefully. Dream wasn't talking but Wilbur didn't know how long that would last. The secretary was just staring at them, clearly confused and shocked by the situation, and she hadn't moved an inch the entire time. Principal Sam had called the police and an ambulance and they were on their way, which was something. Wilbur had to admit it though they could be in trouble, they had fought first. In fact, he himself had been the first to attempt to hit Dream. He didn't know what had come over him. He'd just seem Techno so terrified.

It had pulled him back to the first time Wilbur had seen him, really seen him. Techno had stood at their doorstep, fresh injuries clear, bandaging covering half his face, and blood still coating his fists. He had looked about strong enough to kill Wilbur if he'd wanted to. Wilbur had been terrified. He had only found out that Techno was coming over a few hours previously, and he hadn't expected this. He had hid behind his Dad at first, but Phil had simply welcomed Techno, not seeing any need to protect Wil. That had been confusing and painful until Wil made eyecontact with Techno, then he had understood. Fear was so clear in his eyes, fear of them, fear of life, fear of everything. That day Wilbur had sworn to prove to Techno he didn't have to be afraid. That day he had sworn to protect the other boy. Over the years, Techno had learnt to trust them. He had learnt he could feel safe. Today, Wilbur had seen that terror return, and he had not hesitated.

Eventually, someone broke the silence.

"You know, this would be considered illegal, you holding me here against my will. After all, you tried to hit me first," Dream sneered.

"Yeah, somehow I do not think you're innocent in this," Wilbur snapped over his shoulder, holding Techno closer, "What did you do to him?"

"He's the one who tried to head-butt me, not my fault he knocked himself out."

"That's not what I meant."

"Ohh, you mean when he was my little killer?" Dream asked, his voice sickly sweet, "Well, I taught him to fight, and then I made him kill."

"What does that fucking mean?" Phil asked, fury echoing in the words.

"Well he wasn't always yours now, was he? I owned him first."

"Don't act like he's an object. You didn't own him," Quackity snarled.

"I kinda did, I mean I bought him after all. It's funny how easy it is to abuse the foster system, how easy it is to get the rejects who are already filled with rage. Tommy wasn't quite there yet, but rage will come, then he'll be perfect."

"Yeah, no, that's not happening. He won't be around you. You will never touch him again."

"I don't have to, that's the best part," Dream sneered, "Have you seem the boy's record? More then a hundred houses, less then 3 didn't hurt him, and those rejected him pretty quick. Yeah anger will take hold soon enough, then my colleagues will find him."

"What is wrong with you?"

"I'm just a businessman."

"You're a criminal."

"If that's how you see it," Dream leered, laughing to himself.

Wilbur wanted to punch him, but he was worried that punching an already restrained man would land him in more trouble, and he couldn't risk not being there for Techno and Tommy. So, he let his hand run through Techno's hair again and again, trying to make the anger fade. It didn't, but it was a comforting motion. His brother was here. His brother was alive. His brother had recovered before, he'd recover again.

When the ambulance arrived, Principal Sam sent Ranboo, Conner, Purpled and Fundy to show them the way back, saying something about not moving Techno. Wilbur was pretty sure it was partly to get the younger kids away for a bit. The three youngest were barely teenagers, the fact that they had to witness any of this was cruel, and Tommy was the same age, what had Dream said? Over a hundred houses that had hurt Tommy? No wonder the kid was so terrified all the time.

He watched as Fundy herded them out. Fundy would look after them. They would be ok. They all would.

The relief Wilbur felt when the paramedics arrived with the stretcher was immense. He let them take Techno from his arms and onto the stretcher. Once Techno was safe, the paramedics returned to the group, sifting through them. They got Quackity up off Dream, and Karl quickly moved to help hold Dream down. They said something about a potentially broken nose, and then moved to Wilbur, asking if he was ok. He was. It wasn't that bad, just a blood nose, nothing felt broken. They seemed to agree, telling him to just go to the nurse's office as soon as he could.

"Is there any family members to these two?" The paramedic asked, and Wilbur nodded.

"I'm Techno's brother, that's his dad."

"Do either of you want to come with him?" The paramedic asked, and Wilbur desperately wanted to say yes, he wanted to go with Techno, but even more so, he needed to make sure Dream got taken in. He shook his head. Looking over to Phil, he saw his father shaking his head as well, seemingly just as conflicted.

"Not yet, I need to make sure the police take Dream in before he can hurt anyone else," Phil sighed, and the paramedic nodded.

"We're taking them to the nearest hospital, you'll be able to see them there," She said, and with that, they left, taking Techno and Quackity with them.

Wilbur hated watching his brother be pulled away on a stretcher. He hated that he wasn't going with Techno. He hated that any of this was happening, but he refused to let Dream get away. Not when Dream had so clearly hurt both Techno and Tommy that much.

Wilbur looked around the room, once more taking in the scene. Conner, Purpled and Ranboo were now standing by the door, Fundy still between them and Dream. Fundy was once more watching Dream with a clear intensity, ready to protect the three youngest at a moments notice. Niki and Sally were each holding down one of Dream's arms, and Karl was sitting on Dream's chest, staring daggers at the man, making it clear he would not move. Jack was standing close, watching Dream for any sign that he'd be able to escape, and Wilbur knew if there was any dangerous movements, Jack would be there instantly to stop them. Phil was staring after Techno, seemingly distraught, wether it was because he wasn't going to the hospital with Techno, or just because Techno was going to the hospital at all, Wilbur didn't know. Principal Sam was pacing, phone still to the ear with the police who were on their way and every now and then he answered a question. Even after all of this, the secretary had not moved, simply staring at the scene with a mind boggled expression on her face.

Wilbur sat, holding Dream's legs down, the tension in the room thick as everyone waited for someone to say something. No one did. Minutes passed and the police arrived. Finally, finally, Wilbur could rest. He moved to the side, leaning against the wall in exhaustion as the police handcuffed Dream, who was now fighting with renewed strength, clearly the fact that he was being taken into custody had finally sunk in.

Dream lashed out, snarling at them, spitting sharp insults and trying to twist out of the officers' grip. Eventually they got him hand cuffed and left, with Phil and Principal Sam following right behind them.

"It's over now, right?" Karl asked quietly, sitting back, seemingly exhausted.

"I think so," Wilbur replied, sounding just as exhausted, "Is everyone ok?"

There were murmured replies that yes, they were ok, and slowly everyone sunk to the floor, the few that had been standing joined the rest in sitting, and Wilbur scanned the group, checking that they weren't lying. As far as he could tell, he was the only one left here who had been hurt. They were all safe.

"What's going to happen to Tommy?" Ranboo asked tentatively after a few moments of exhausted silence. It was a good question. What would happen? Wilbur was pretty sure that Tommy was a foster kid from what Dream had said, and one with awful luck at getting good houses at that. Maybe Phil would foster him? That would be good, but Tommy would have to accept that offer, he knew Phil would never force it upon Tommy, but he also knew Tommy was scared of, well, everyone.

Words: 1500

A/N: and now Dream is captured... or is he... 👀

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now