Chapter 109

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Tommy didn't know how long he ran through that void, but he did know that with every step he took, his heart seemed to be beating harder, stronger, and he knew he was going the right way. He hated that he was running from Tubbo, hated that he couldn't curl up next to his brother and finally sleep. He felt safe here for the first time in eternity but he couldn't stay. Not yet. Tubbo had told him to run.

Tommy could hear the echoing thud of his feet against the floor of the void. It was an insanely weird concept, since he couldn't see a floor at all, but he still knew they were his footsteps.

When Tommy's body could no longer manage to run, he crawled, agonisingly, he crawled. At some point, after what felt like an eternity, the blackness faded into pure white, and then back to black again, but this time Tommy knew it was because his eyes were closed. He stayed there, still, and listened. He heard breathing in the corner. Danger. Tubbo had said to fight. He would fight.

Tommy's eyes flashed open and he was on his feet in a second, and even faster, he was across the room, gripping onto the person's neck. He didn't have time to think. Didn't have time to question it. He just tightened his grip around the neck as his head whipped around, scanning for other danger.

"T-Tommy?" A voice croaked out between panicked desperate attempts to breathe. Tommy threw himself back and away. She knew his name. She knew his name.

"Drista?" Tommy asked, his mind finally connecting the figure to Drista. Safe. Safe. She was safe. Right? Was she? Why was she here?

"What did they do to you..." Drista whispered, her voice cracking, tears streaking her cheeks. She was still gasping for air, but she was staring at Tommy, not in fear, but in grief. For him? Why? "You were unconscious, I thought you were dead, hell, your heart almost stopped, and you definitely weren't breathing. You started breathing again eventually, but I was so scared Tommy, I was so fucking scared."

"Why am I here?" Tommy snapped out, hating that he had to ask a question at all, but it was better then standing here, in a potentially life threatening situation and not knowing.

"Sit down, you only just woke up, you need to let your body recover, I'll explain then."

Tommy didn't know if he could trust the words, didn't know if it was safe, but the moment she said it, he registered the weakness in his legs. Painfully, he slumped to the floor, the exhaustion hitting him. Fuck, everything hurt. Everything hurt so fucking much.

"They brought you in here unconscious. They wanted someone to watch and make sure you didn't die, but were too lazy to do it them selves, so they got me to watch you."

Tommy made some sort of grunting noice in response. He really didn't know what he was supposed to do, all he knew was that he had to stay alive, he had to fight, and everything hurt like hell. He could barely think above the agony, but still, he knew it like an old friend, not that he had one of those. The pain would fade eventually. He wondered if he had any new broken bones, the broken rib was probably worse now, so much for letting that heal.

He honestly couldn't tell much from the pain, with no idea what had been hurt the worst, he just knew it hurt. Still, he would be able to walk, and if he could walk, he could fight to survive. He'd survive. He knew he would survive. He always did.

Drista did her best to make Tommy feel better, but he wasn't really paying attention to her. His eyes were trained on the door, waiting for the danger to arrive. When it did, Tommy was ready. He was on his feet, his hands curled into fists, ready to fight back if he was attacked. He wouldn't give in. Even if he was told to. He. Would. Not. Give. In.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Theseus, bet you were down in the underworld rolling rocks for a while," 17 snarked, noticing Tommy as he stepped inside.

"That's Sisyphus, not Theseus, get your Greek mythology right."

"Who fucking cares Drista? Not me, that's for sure. You clearly spent too much time around The Blood God when you HELPED HIM ESCAPE!" 17 snarled, stepping forward and slapping her in one quick motion. Instantly, Drista was lunging forward, ready to attack. Although 17 simply stepped back and was out of her reach, the chains snapping tight around her wrists.

"You will regret that," Drista snarled, pulling against her chains, trying to get close enough to 17 to do something, anything.

"She's like a mad dog Theseus, don't get too close, she might bite, had to chain her up before she went insane and killed everyone."

"I. Am. Not. A. Dog! Don't you DARE talk to me like that!" Drista growled, her voice low and threatening.

"I will talk to you however I please Drista, because you're the one in chains here, and I'm the one who isn't."

"I hope you fucking die."

"Nice chat, have a lovely day rotting in those chains Drista, now Theseus, come."

With that, 17 walked out of the room, and slowly, Tommy followed, giving an apologetic look Drista's way. She was fuming, but still, she calmed for just long enough to give Tommy a soft smile.

"We'll get out of here kid, we will."

Tommy nodded, knowing better then to argue, before turning back and begrudgingly following Mask 17.

They walked back to the training room, and Tommy readied himself. Tubbo had said to fight for his life, so he would fight like the world depended on it, because Tubbo did, and in Tommy's view, that was the exact same thing.

Words: 1000

A/N: In English I gotta write a short story, which I'm excited to do, but it's gotta be less then 800 words- a single CHAPTER is more then that! AHHHHH!! I JUST WANNA WRITE OK!?

(Also sorry for the pathetic update schedule, it's been chaos irl, but we r getting there, love u all and thank u so much for ur patience <3)/p of course

They Rely On Hope. What Do I Rely On? - Tommyinnit Adoption AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora