Chapter 131

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Tommy POV:

Over what, according to Drista, was weeks, Tommy faded in and out of consciousness. Now, finally, he was awake, and he felt like he was going to stay that way for a while.

His voice was horse from disuse, but it worked enough to talk. Enough for Drista to tell him what had happened while he was asleep. How she had helped stop the infection and somehow his body had fought hard enough to shove it out of his system. According to her, he would be ok, or well, ok-ish. He did still have a massive gapping hole in his arm. That wasn't going away anytime soon.

Once Drista was satisfied by Tommy's repeated answers of "No, he did not infact think he was dying", she moved on to discuss recovery. That part had hit Tommy hard. She had talked about what this would mean for fights. How even though this horror had happened, the fights would start up soon enough. He had not won. He had not escaped. He had simply extended his pain.

Drista was quickly proven correct. Not long after she had fallen asleep, footsteps came. Before Tommy even so much as had a chance to say goodbye, he was dragged away by the Masked Ones. He wanted to scream the girl's name. Wanted to thank her. Wanted to do something, anything, to tell her that he appreciated the extra time. He appreciated the chance. Even if he didn't end up surviving, she had given him a chance.

He wanted to thank her, but he couldn't. He couldn't because he knew the danger that would be for her. She was already in trouble, she didn't need to be seen as a friend of his. Tommy was a bad luck charm. The Masked Ones didn't like him. He wasn't going to put her in danger.

Tommy let himself be dragged away, not even trying to see what was around him. He knew that was not the way to escape. It was just always with doors leading to rooms which held who knew what dangers.

Finally, the hallways ended, and Tommy found himself in a painfully reminiscent situation, with a massive cafeteria full of people, all staring at him. Only, this time, while the Masked Ones still seemed wary of him, they also appeared to have a sense of pride when they saw the damage done to his arm. The kids on the other hand, all varied in their expressions. A few that he had seen hang around Arson before... that... were glowering at him. Others seemed mildly amused, others disappointed, although about which part, Tommy didn't know. Others seemed relieved.

What Tommy really hadn't expected, was the scream of his name as a child raced towards him

"TOMMY!" The young girl yelled, streamlining towards him, her arms outstretched, clinging to him in a tight hug, "You're ok! You're ok, you're ok, you're ok!"

Finley. The girl from his first day here. She shouldn't be here.

Words: 500

A/N: ahhh I wanted to get an upload today, but it ended up only being a short one cuz I kept forgetting details I've said... I searched for 3 different things in the previous chapters cuz my mind was blanking as to what they were... this took way longer then normal lol

ALSO: I wrote a paragraph of this while in a McDonald's playground (while ignoring the rule about how old I can be) (I'm too old btw, not to young) (I'd have to be a 1yr old to be too young (I am not a 1 yr old) XDD

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