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Chapter 79 Ending

    There is a secret military secret base directly behind the base in City B. It used to be the address of an association, but it was transformed into a zombie research center after the end of the world.

    The third-level zombies captured from the two cities are all housed here. The floors are divided according to the level of the zombies, and the top is the fifth-level zombies.

    As soon as Jiang Changjing stepped into the research institute, the zombie radar buzzed in his mind, which was dozens of times stronger than what he felt in the small white room in Province J before.

    The zombies could feel that another high-level zombie had stepped in here, screaming excitedly in the cage where they were held, grabbing the small iron bar window and trying to get out.

    The supernatural beings patrolling each floor pressed the function of the electric door, using high-voltage electric current to force the zombies away from the iron door. All the small rooms where zombies are held in the Zombie Research Center are exquisite and assigned according to the attributes of different zombies.

    Bringing the seventh-level zombie king here is a very dangerous move, even if Jiang Changjing has a good sense of humanity. He was followed by a level five high-level ability user, and took the elevator to the top floor under the guidance of the researcher.

    The research room on the top floor is the largest. As soon as the elevator door opened, Jiang Changjing could smell the faint blood in the air.

    Jiang Changjing saw through the glass the high-level zombie who only wanted to see him. Its limbs were pierced by iron chains, other parts of its body were bloody and bloody, and several catheters were inserted into its back. It seems that all the fat elements in the body have been sucked out, leaving only skin and bones.

    Half of the right brain was cut off, and the red nuclei were exposed in the air. There is even a tiny metal wire connected to the crystal nucleus. The last time Jiang Changjing felt it was level five, it should be level six now.

    The sixth-level crystal nucleus of the Great White Shark was inadvertently eaten by him before, and it melted in his mouth before he could react.

    The blood-red crystal nucleus reveals a monster...

    Level 6 zombies are imprisoned in a room made of special materials. There is a large glass window that allows researchers to keep an eye on the latest situation of the zombies.

    There is only a thin piece of glass between Jiang Changjing and it, but it seems to separate the difference between the world and hell. If it wasn't for the sixth-level zombies twitching from time to time, he would have thought it was a corpse.

    "Why do you do this to it?" He asked after a moment of silence.

    Researcher: "Mr. Jiang should understand that level 6 zombies are very important research objects for us. At present, part of the pain sensory nerves of level 6 zombies has been recovered. It is usually quiet, but it has suddenly moved in the past two days. "

    We analyzed his brain waves, and he can sense it. He wants to see you. Mr. Jiang can look at him through the glass, and you only have ten minutes to visit." When

    Jiang Changjing approached the glass window, the sixth-level zombie seemed to be He raised his head as if consciously, staring blankly at him.

    After a while, his eyes seemed to have some focus.

    The instrument for detecting the zombie's brainwaves was beeping. The researcher was amazed and ordered the people below to analyze the data immediately: "It hasn't had such an active brainwave signal for a long time. Hurry up and record it to see what he said again."

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