Don't Fear The Reaper (2007)

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omg it's been so long since i've updated this! i'm now an adult that's just continuing onto where teenage me has left off lol.

hopefully you'll see these begin to improve now 🫶🏻

reminder that these are only set in the universe of rob zombie's halloween ONE.

my opinion on these movies has changed over the years and i do not like it as much anymore but i do adore tyler mane and all the incredible actors that had a part in it.

this is for the person who wanted more of reader being michael's nurse

this is short, i'm getting used to writing in this book again.

"Take a deep breath, it's not going to be as bad as you think" Alana's soft spoken voice sounded throughout the large white room as her nimble fingers adjusted the buttons on the new nurse's coat. Smith's Grove was a large looming building that housed only the worst of patients. The staff were so lackluster at their jobs and often abused the patients or slacked off so much. There were quite a few accidents already before Dr. Loomis declared that they hire some new faces to actually keep watch before he went into his retirement.

"I can handle the ones that aren't much of a fuss but...but I was assigned a MASS MURDERER!" (Y/n) had whisper yelled as she frantically tugged on the bottom of her skirt. "Kendall's been awfully lewd towards me despite how many times i've already had to complain to upper management" She huffed.

Alana rolled her honey colored eyes, throwing her hair back into a well managed ponytail. It was required to keep your hair up to avoid the patients tugging on it.

"Kendall's a dirty pig, fucking hick" The girl scoffed before grabbing her clipboard. "Babe, it can't be that bad. All you have to do is give him his meds and check on him, he only ever sits around playing with his masks all day. He's harmless now" She reassured.

As if the infamous Michael Myers was ever harmless. He butchered his entire family when he was a child and killed an older nurse during his first couple of weeks in this hospital. He refused to speak and never acknowledged anyone.

(Y/n) took the small cup of medication and wandered down the hallway, gazing at each of the rooms until she found the correct one.

Michael could be seen through the small glass window, his back straight as he sat in the chair facing the wall. His hands moved rapidly as he created yet another mask to hide his features. That same orange one was placed on him at all times, it seemed to be his favorite. He was dressed in his grey robe and white shirt with dark blue sweatpants. His room was littered with various masks that he had created during his stay here.

She swallowed nervously, hand enclosing around the metal handle to the door. With a small click, it opened and she stepped inside slowly.

"Hi there, Michael" She began, voice wavering and showing off her discomfort. The man didn't move but his head raised up as a form of acknowledgment. "I've come to give you your medicine. That's all" She crept forwards and set the cup onto the desk beside him.

She was so close to him now and could see his long dirty blonde waves falling down his shoulders. His body was built so big that she was certain he could overpower anybody in this building.

A fluttering noise was heard and she glanced down to see one of his many masks had fallen off of his desk. This is probably where her good heart failed her and she should not have been so lenient with a literal serial killer a few inches away from her.

Her hand reached down and she grasped at the mask but was stopped by the force of a heavy sandal covered foot stomping down on it.

She gasped softly in fright and looked up, her (e/c) eyes meeting an icy blue pair. There was an unfamiliar spark in them as he reached down, removing his foot and pulling the mask from her fingers on his own. Their fingers brushed against one another's and she felt so strange.

Michael placed the mask down on his desk again and stared at her, reaching out and entangling his fingers into her hair. He allowed them to linger a moment before he pulled back and turned to his mask as if nothing had happened.

(Y/n) was wide eyed and so very frightened but her body moved eventually as she ran from the room and locked it once more.

What was that all about?

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