Tell Me You Love Me (2007)

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Kid Michael returns! 🤡

The girl gently ran her fragile fingers through the boy's messy blonde locks of hair that went down to his shoulders. He was her best friend and he currently needed some comforting because of things that have been going on at home and at school. She understood the situation and always tried to help her best she could, although sometimes she couldn't help but feel useless to him even if he told her otherwise.

"I-I just can't stand it anymore...between Ronnie and his drunk ass and Judith I don't know what to do and to top it all off I have to deal with Wesley when I go to school" The boy spoke quietly while for the first time in (Y/N)'s life she saw her best friend shed some tears. They cascaded down his pale cheeks as his hands clutched the fabric of her kitten sweater. It was so soft and it smelt like flowers. He loved that smell and he loved this girl so much. She was all he had besides his baby sister, Angel.

"I know Michael and I just wish there was a way out of all this..I would take it if there was, I just want to take all your pain away..." (Y/N) replied whole gently wiping the tears away from his face and continuing to stroke through his messy hair. She was used to his sometimes vulgar language so it didn't really bother her anymore.

The boy had his head rested on her lap as he looked up at her with his breathtaking blue eyes that always sent feelings of comfort through her. "You're too nice to me, flower" He mumbled softly while grabbing her hand in his. He loved this girl and her beautiful face with her equally as beautiful heart. She meant the absolute world to him but he knew he wouldn't be around long with her. His mind was becoming an empty void that he couldn't fix and he knew that very reason would be the cause of his sudden snap.

"You're my best friend and I love you" (Y/N) told him with a soft smile written across her features. It was true that she adored him and maybe her love for him wasn't completely in the friend zone but she'd never tell him that because they were only ten. She couldn't help the feeling of safety she felt when she was around him. He could do no harm in her eyes, no matter what happened. She'd always love him and cherish him.

"Maybe that's your mistake..." He mumbled out which caught her off guard. Her (E/C) eyes widened as she stared down at him. He was completely serious and that made her feel a little scared and hurt. Maybe he didn't want to be around her anymore. The very thought made her terrified. "What do you mean?" She asked him.

"I'm breaking inside and I can feel it. Soon enough I'll snap and I don't want you to witness it" He told her while sitting up and hugging his knees. She frowned sadly before wrapping him in a comforting hug. He was ridiculous for thinking she'd just leave him like this, especially now.

"Well I'm not leaving you so looks like I'll have to deal with it" She told him firmly before clinging onto him like he was her lifeline. He didn't argue on that but he was still a little nervous.

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