Two Broken People (part 2) (2007)

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This was so long ago, back when we were at 40 something imagines, now look at where we've come. 94 of them later and there's a second part :3

It was sometime in the middle of the night and (Y/N) was wide awake. It was times like these when her mind ran wild with the most horrid thoughts and she just wanted to make them stop. It had been years since she's had someone to make her feel comfort because the only person who ever did was taken away from her that one Halloween. She assumed he snapped that night but now he's left her behind with her father who barely payed attention to her. She was now 23 years old and nothing's changed. Things were still miserable but the only difference was she couldn't run to her best friend when she needed comfort. It was so lonely now.

She rolled onto her side and let her tear filled (E/C) eyes close so that she could at least attempt to gain sleep. Things were actually working out as she began to fall asleep but before that could happen, a loud noise was heard from downstairs. Her eyes snapped open and she just stayed there silently for a moment to think of what the sound could possibly have been. Her dad was normally sleeping by now and wouldn't be making any noise right now so there must be someone else inside.

Her feet made contact with the cold ground as she walked out of her room and slowly ventured down the stairs. First thing she noticed was the red spots on the floor, some strange liquid. It seemed fresh and she frowned before stepping over the spots. She walked into the living area slowly and noticed the back of her dad's head slumped against his chair. Maybe he was just asleep.

"D-Dad?" Her soft voice sounded through the room as she carefully approached his body. When she got close enough, her foot landed in something warm and sticky. She looked down and saw more of the red liquid but it was a puddle beside the chair. She gasped and moved to the front of the chair now staring with wide eyes at the scene before her. It made her sick because it was so morbid looking.

Her father was dead.

His neck had been slashed and blood coated his outfit and his eyes were still in their fearful looking state. (Y/N) let out a shocked cry as she fell to the ground and slowly backed away. She held her hand over her mouth to block any noises since the person responsible might still be in the house. Who could have done something so vile, so evil?

She stopped short as heavy footsteps were heard approaching the area where she was at. In the doorway stood a tall male wearing some sort of blue coverall outfit and a very hideous looking emotionless white mask. In his right hand was a blood stained knife, he stood there like a statue just staring at her. They both just stared at each other. (Y/N) suddenly moved to her feet and backed against the wall.

"Whoever you better leave or...or I'll call the police" She warned. The male looked unfazed as he slowly stepped closer to her with such intimidating steps. She began to panic but when he got close enough, the knife was dropped onto the ground and his fingers went to the sides of his mask where he proceeded to remove it.

Long brown locks of hair fell to his shoulders, his face looking familiar but very matured. His eyes were a sharp and piercing blue as they stared into hers. He looked like someone she had seen before but in the state of fear she couldn't think of it. His face held no traces of emotion as he just stared at her blankly. She wasn't even sure if he was breathing because he was so...silent. Perhaps that was the most horrifying part about him.

"Who are you...? What do you want?" She desperately spoke watching as the male just stood there. It was like he was waiting for something. She kept looking at him until it finally clicked. She let out a soft gasp as tears built up in her eyes again. "Wait...Michael?" She questioned softly. He heard those words and took a step closer. It was really him...her childhood best friend. He murdered her father without a care in the world.

"B-But were locked away!" She exclaimed out of shock and this seemed to anger her former friend as he reached down and picked up the knife that was on the ground. She looked at him wide eyed. "N-No you don't have to hurt's okay Michael..." She told him as she slowly grabbed the knife from his hand, dropping it down to the ground.

"W-We have to do something. Someone is gonna notice soon enough" She gasped as his hand gripped her wrist before he tugged her along up the stairs. With a shove, she was inside her room again. "You want me to go on the run with you? Are you crazy?" She snapped.

"Wait don't answer that" She mumbled to herself but he just grunted and walked up to her, slamming her against the wall angrily. His temper seemed to be a lot worse now than it has ever been, he had patience but he didn't have tolerance. She gasped and stared at him. "'s okay. I'll go with you" She promised. He slowly let her go, waiting at the door for her.

So that's how she ended up cleaning a murder and leaving the house to run from the cops with her childhood best friend.

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