Two Broken People (2007)

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my mind's been everywhere lately

Soft sobs escaped the girl's lips as tears poured heavily down her cheeks from the amount of sadness and pain she felt in that moment. Her father had just thrown her out of the house for the day much like he always did. He didn't want her around anymore since her mother passed away, he told her that she was a constant reminder.

So she did what she always did. She ran to her best friend for comfort. Her arms wrapped tightly around the taller blonde's waist as she sobbed against his black shirt. Tears now wet the fabric as she clung to him tightly. She felt his arms wrap around her as well but he kept quiet.

"Flower what happened?" His soft and calming voice whispered to her as he stroked her messy (H/C) locks. He held her smaller body close to his, not caring if the position was pretty intimate for their age. He just wanted to comfort her best he could despite his own horrid situation at home.

"H-He kicked me out again Mikey! He blames me for her death!" (Y/N) sobbed heavily now running out of breath from the amount of tears her eyes were producing. She felt herself being lifted up into gentle arms as she was carried off into the woods which was where the special place was that the two hung out.

"You know it's not your fault, flower. He's just an ass" Michael reassured her while keeping her held in his arms as his feet moved quickly to get to their spot. It always surprised her how fast he was when he moved around, he was like a stealth ninja. "I swear I'll kill him if he even thinks to lay a hand on you" He growled.

"It's okay Mikey. I don't think he'd do that" (Y/N) told him before she felt herself being set down on her feet. Michael sat down at their spot and pulled her into his lap, holding her tightly.

"He better not or he'll be sorry. I've dealt with enough assholes in my life, I don't need to see you get hurt flower" Michael whispered as he gently pressed a kiss to the girl's forehead. She blushed and leaned her head down on his shoulder.

"I don't want you hurt either, Mikey. I know they hurt you" She told him which made him freeze slightly. He always felt so uncomfortable talking about his problems at home with his sister and his stepfather. He looked down at her.

"Boo doesn't hurt me. Neither does my mom. And you don't hurt me either" He smiled. She gave him a small smile in return before she hugged him tightly once more.

"I'd never hurt you" She promised.

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