Hitchhiker (part 2) (2007/2009)

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I'm writing this in the pitch dark, I have a problem

(H/C) locks laid pressed against the woman's scalp as the warm metallic substance coated the strands and made them stick to her skin. Her eyes remained closed as blood stained her lips and her left shoulder as they were both places that were greatly injured from the impact of the crash.

(E/C) eyes slowly opened and they gazed around at the surrounding area with fear and curiosity laced within them. A soft groan escaped the woman's lips as she gently touched the wound on her shoulder with shaking fingers. Blood was everywhere on her and also on the windshield along with the windows.

That's when her mind remembered the creepy passenger she picked up. Her eyes scanned over to his side but to her utter shock, there was no one there. Had she imagined all of that? Daydreaming while driving was something she never found herself doing but it looked like that was the case here. Ah yes because every normal functioning human being daydreamed of a man getting in their car and threatening to kill them.

Perhaps she really was losing her mind like her mother always joked with her about. She knew she was still somewhere in Haddonfield but the exact location was unrecognizable to her. She slowly moved her arm and released a pained cry as glass from the car stabbed into her hand harshly. Her whole body stopped moving in fear of a much more hazardous result. She whimpered softly and closed her eyes trying to think of a possible solution to this issue.

The sound of a smoking engine hit her ears and her (E/C) eyes snapped open immediately. Her car was about to burst into flames any second and she was trapped within it. Tears fell from her eyes and slid down her cheeks rapidly as her life flashed before them. She was absolutely screwed right now.

Footsteps were heard and her eyes widened at the sound. Someone was nearby and maybe they could help her. The footsteps were heavy as they pounded on the ground. They sounded like heavy boots. "P-Please...help me!" She called out hoping whoever it was heard her pleas and was gonna help her avoid her impending demise.

The footsteps got closer to her smoking car as a hand ripped the severed car door off the hinges. She gasped as a dirty and bloody hand reached into the car, latching onto her jacket sleeve. She was tugged out of the car forcefully which caused quite a bit of discomfort to her wounds.

She laid on her back now letting out soft whimpers of pain. She saw boots enter her vision and she allowed her eyes to travel up the rather large frame of a man wearing a brown hood to cover his facial features from her. He stood there breathing heavily as his blue eyes scanned her injured body. She was unaware of that of course because she couldn't see his face. He was content with that.

Michael's face was a bit messed up from the crash they got in but he immediately got free from the car long before coming back for her. He didn't even know why he saved her anyways. She'd only slow him down with his plans to finally get his sister with him. Perhaps he'd find a way to use her.

"I-I'm (Y/N)...you are?" She asked him gently with slight fear in her tone. He wouldn't share any personal information with her because he didn't know her and he definitely didn't care for her pathetic life. Michael didn't care for anyone because his mind constantly thought of driving his knife into countless people. It was such a great thing in his opinion.

She gasped as Michael's rough hand yanked her up, a pained cry escaping her lips. His eyes traveled to the wound before he grunted in aggravation. He reached down and swung her up into his arms, he didn't react to the blush that coated her cheeks. He didn't care for her affection. He had his mother and soon he'd have his baby sister.

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